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Re: The source of all existence, my near death experience, what is allowed in heaven, what about evil?
rudenski Views: 6,620
Published: 18 y
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Re: The source of all existence, my near death experience, what is allowed in heaven, what about evil?

First of all, I want to thank you for relating your NDE. There is a lot there to process. If you can answer questions over the coming days then I would like to ask you questions that well up in my spirit. When you say a kind of "mind to mind" telepathy...I didn't experience the telepathy this way when I met the being of light... It seemed more like the center of my being to the center of my being... Could you elaborate more. I will have more questions if you want to discuss your NDE. I know it is a very sacred thing and there are many who could gain valuable insights from your NDE. Thank you again for coming here...

Love & Light to you,


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