The source of all existence, my near death experience, what is allowed in heaven, what about evil?
The reader might ask the question, "How true is this article". My answer would be that it is subjectively true. It is a true reflection of what I experienced, while in a deep coma in altered state of consciousness when very ill. Are they true reflection of some of the mysteries on the other side of life? I cannot say with certainty. The first part of the account relates to what I remembered immediately after the near death experiences. Later on, much more information of the afterlife was remembered by me and I detail them at best I can:-
I am going to attempt to describe my near-death experiences while very ill, brought on by extreme mental illness called mania, which caused me to descend into a death like coma. To relate this strange other dimensional realty in a way that one can comprehend in our three dimensional world is an almost impossible task, but I will try my very best to do this. I reiterate that this is an almost impossible task, as one has to try to relate the strange alien multi-dimensions of the other side of life in a way that people who have never had paranormal experiences can understand
Firstly I emphasize that my experiences where atypical in the sense that I had no life reviews. In addition, these experiences brought on by my desire to know the enigma of the origin of evil had much to do with triggering this near death experience. They were experienced between 1990 & 2001. My body was in a near-death state and deep coma in an altered state of consciousness.
In this state of altered consciousness, my soul, spirit, mind, call it what you will, left my body and I sometimes experienced the typical tunnel of NDEs then. There, I was met by a being of pure light, not a human form, but pure point of composite intelligent bright light, who communicated with me mind to mind, via some form of telepathy. I believe it was Divine or an angel! It should be noted the reader that an angel is not a Caucasoid white male with large wings, but a being of pure intelligent light energy.
It Being of light, explained that the tunnel had two ends. One into the glorious light of God, and the other into the darkness of the evil void or hell. I would like to interject here, to a prime question relating to judgment in the afterlife. “Darkness (evil) cannot invade the light, (one candle dispels the darkness), but light (goodness) can impact into the darkness (evil)."
At first, I was taken up through the tunnel into a place of learning A translucent marble library bathed in glorious light, at the one end of this almost infinitely long dark tunnel. I believe this domain lead to heaven or paradise and I was not allowed go any further into this place. Then taken to a journey into another somewhere dimension, which I will detail later in this account. One thing I do remember vividly was this wonderful feeling of pure love that an earthly father has for his child, but infinitely greater and Devine. While there, I experienced great feelings of elation, love and peace. Great events that were to come to planet earth, sometime in the future were revealed to me. There was a Being with me all the time that I could not see, but hear. It spoke with a male voice. I believed it/he was what we mortals refer to as God. I feel the essence of God is, therefore, more fatherly or male that female and from this point on always refer to God in the masculine.
While this being was speaking, I could see a panoramic view of planet earth, as if I was a space man observing the earth, all the time, from the window of a space vehicle. The voice that I took as God, was not pleased with what was happening on our planet, and kept referring to humanity in the terms of "mere mortal man, I am displeased with you" (I cannot remember why he was displeased). While this unseen being "God" was speaking, the earth was revolving and stopping at intervals over each continent, in turn, where a warning message was in turn to each continent. What I can remember was that he was saying to humanity that he was displeased with their evil actions in some way.
The frustrating part is that I could not retain all that was said to mere mortal man, by this being, while I was with him viewing the earth. I, however, clearly, remember two warnings. One that two cataclysmic events would start from the Indian subcontinent and the Atlantic Weston oceans respectively. That the middle east crises would not be solved by the peacekeeping efforts of man and that divine direct intervention would eventually come to the earth, sometime in the future, because of the unbelievable evil that some mere men were perpetuating and directly responsible for on earth. (Rape of the planet). “Katrina and giant earth quake in the Indian ocean causing more than 300 000 deaths by massive tsunami happened as a direct confirmation of the warning I had seen very much prior to these two horrible events happening”.
God does not judge us, but by our own actions in life, which dictate ones eternal destiny. If all our actions had become evil, by the end of our life, we would become a being of darkness and it would have simply become impossible for us to enter the light of God. (Darkness cannot penetrate the light!). To reach a point so depraved we would have to have become totally evil being (like Hitler), with no redeemable qualities.
The destiny of this type of person, by his own actions, would be eternal banishment down into the deepest darkness of this vast infinitely long evil end of the tunnel, remote from the love of God forever This is referred to by most of the worlds major religions as Hell. There are degrees of punishment in the void or hell. Ranging from a gray depressive atmosphere, progressively down into utter horror, terror, hopelessness, despair and desolation in black darkness. I did not see any lake of fire! I, however, got the clear impression that God will one day thrust all evil away from him into the infinite utter remote darkness of the deep and forget them there forever, where they could perform their awful perversions upon each other forever. Indeed reaping what they had sowed. They could call out to God for eternity, from this awful place, and never hear from God again. Separated and forgotten by him forever, as a consequence of their own evil actions, while on earth. (Self-inflicted punishment). What an awful horrifying thought!
However, enough of this gloom!
Not anyone reading this article is destined for the awful place depicted in the last paragraph. It is a fact that all of us do wrong and make mistakes in life! Nevertheless, in most of us is also light, great love, compassion, caring and consideration for others. Therefore, we all have varying degrees of light in us that will allow us into the glorious light of almighty God in the light- end of the tunnel, at the end of our earthly life. God can work with the light in us, make us pure and allow us to progress up the various levels of heaven into his eternal blissful presence of everlasting peace and joy! It is a progress of eternal learning. Then we become one with God, but retain our precious uniqueness.
Getting off the point a bit, I would like to refer to something else that was shown me while on the other side.
Time, as we experience on earth, it is an illusion, something like an infinitely stretchable or shrinkable string of elastic. (Perhaps that is why some days seem to take an eternity to pass and others mere moments)? The end event (end of time) will not come at some set chronological time, but when a certain set of future events happen and synchronize.
There are many dimensions or steps in the hereafter ranging from the unexplainable third heaven that the apostle Paul visited, upwards through earth- like paradises and glorious heavily realms into places so remote from our earthly reality that cannot be described by any language on earth. This is one of the realms of realty that I visited and will describe in the following chapters.
I will now attempt take the reader through some of the revelations that shown to me about the Divine, the meaning of life and back to the very moment of creation. Please read carefully, judge what you have read and send comments back to the author if you wish. What follows is what God revealed to me about himself over many years:-
The lord of existence reversing time de-forms the universes into clouds of stellar materials produced from imploding stars, which de-coalesce toward becoming dense uniform opaque plasma. As time accelerates backwards space itself collapses inward, as if it is being vacuumed away, moving all the material of all the universes ever nearer, with all finally crashing into another beginning point. As the universes crash inward, they close again into on some sort of a cosmic death, before the first moment. Matter must again rise out of primordial nothing by a thought in the mind of the ever existing one as follows:-
Aware of infinite potential in vast unploughed fields of nothing, I strode with great beams of cosmic light toward the infinite horizon of eternity, sowing seeds of existence before the timeless moment of creation. I am the boundless Mind, Original Self-Awareness the cause of everything, relative to nothing I am This. On the panorama of bleak blackness, I rode on the back of the Absolute, sowing universal energy. Reality was my aim and the beauty of my achievement. Illuminating the darkness with beams of dazzling radiant glory was the first event of reason. I formulated in my mind the first number and called it “One”,
With the now realities of the fundamentals of’ “one, and ‘zero”, I made everything. I am the Prime Mover and there was no proponent to my First Cause. I am the Immovable Rock and the Alpha point. I took these first numbers and weaved them into the fabric of the reality, creating all the limitless universes on the infinite timeless foam of nothing, which now makes all up existence. Indeed, I am the Almighty One. If you are, wise. “DO ONE THING, FEAR ME THE LORD”
I am the painter and the painting, singer and the song, the dance and the dancer, the stage and the actors, the writer of the script of existence. I am all these things who am I? I am Ultimate-All the Absolute Totally of all existence, yes, I am This, and do you exist? Then why cant to I exist? The imprudent ask where you are, the wind blows on your cheek and you ask ‘where are you? The oceans roar and you ask,’ ‘where are you? The stars glow and you say mysterious one, ‘if you would only show yourself, blood flows in your vessels and you say ‘what are you? Indeed, I am the First Cause and the Immovable Rock.
I am the encompasser and enfold all things within the substance of my being. Resonating with profound unfathomable vibrations, creation trembles at the passing of my presence.
I am the stalker of the soul, the defeater of death. I am Supreme and take the abstract, and convert it into concrete matter.
I dwell in composite bright light, which is the breath of my life. I now look with delight upon the beauty of the garden of my creation, sparkling out of the darkness of infinite universes. In eternal joy, I survey my prime creation and called it life.
I am well pleased with my endeavors and set the clock of time to run for eternity.
I am the winder of the watch of creation. ‘I AM “HE” I AM MOMENT,
The Lord created me in the beginning of his works, before all else, when he set the heavens in their place, I was there, before he made the earth, I was his darling child and played the creation game, in eternal joy with him. I was his craftsman and his companion and delight. Wisdom and word is my name and I was with him before all creation. He is the ancient of days and I am his eternal son.
We together created mighty superstrings and weaved them together with colossal strands of energetic light coloured in beautiful magnificent opalescence into the very fabric of reality and a new unimaginably beautiful universe was born in glory and delight.
We sang together the song of creation and a new universe began to vibrate with countless frequencies of light, glory translucent, everlasting vibrations of the song of existence. The singer sang the song, the painter the painting, the creator the creation.
Our universe began to weave, dance, and vibrate flux and vortex into one colossal maelstrom, spiral in perfect order from the mind of the eternal one. The Universe danced and sang with joy. The dancer danced and sang along with his new creation. From chaos, order formed.
One early morning while all was still dark I awoke in that state between sleep and wake and the boundaries between my physical self and everything physical around me began to dissolve. Quietness like a soft warm comforting peaceful blanket descended on my sleeping body and mind. I could hear in the background the sweet song of birds softly singing birds and somehow knew their wonderful beautiful voices were in absolute harmony and somehow were reflected the electrons darting in the mind of the Infinite One. Outside leaves rustled in the autumn night and although still indoors on my bed, I could somehow feel the breeze against my skin and smell the wonderful fragrant scent of grass and flowers that permeated the earth. I felt the minds of plants and animals that sang in beauty while trying to blot out the noise of human mind flow.
I then arose above the earth to where the blue became black and from a spiritual cosmic vantage platform; I observed the vastness of the dark physical universe. I could survey with wonder of the glory of the infinite sparkling night. Shrugging off the physical body, I traveled at infinite speed through the vastness of the universe until exiting into white light, which is the cosmic breath of God. From a vast vantage point I saw our universe receding until it became no more than a dot in the vastness that is Gods infinite beautiful light.
Suddenly everything vanished and I was no longer aware of where I was until a warm golden light encompassed me about and I knew I was in that eternal place outside time or space. Indeed, I now dwelt in the everlasting infinite moment. Marvelous extraordinary insights flashed into my mind and I was able with a new godlike understanding to comprehend, all the mysteries of existence. Of course, I could not retain all this when I returned to my body. It was clear to me then that the created mind was mostly good and that evil will never prevail against the light. Beautifully interconnected in one glorious harmony are all things. I seemed to be an intense intelligent point of light, with omni-powers of senses and observation. I could see, hear, taste, smell and look back at the past and present as if they were contained within one moment. Time no longer had any meaning to me.
I saw our universe with startling features. The apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory; at a deeper level of reality, all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected. The electrons in a carbon atom in the human brain are interconnected to the subatomic fundamental particles link us to every salmon that swims, every heart that beats, and every, every creature, plant and planet that makes up our beautiful universe or star that shimmers in the sky. Everything interpenetrates everything, and although human nature may seek to categorize, pigeonhole, and subdivide, the various phenomena of the universe, all apportionments and all of nature are ultimately a seamless oneness. Amazing is it not? Existence might be a phantom thought in the mind of God. Everything has awareness to different degrees be it matter such as planets, stars or plants and animals. Only higher forms of life such as humanity, however can truly comprehend its own mortality. The spirit is separate from the mind and exists forever like the creator as pure intelligent cosmic intelligence. This essence is trapped within the physical body, while we exist on earth.
I could see an eternal fire within the spirit of my being and was filled by it with a sustained sense of exultation, immense joy, peace, rapture and sublime bliss An intellectual illumination beyond any description overflowed my mind and. I knew then that all humanity was immortal and possessed eternal life and the ultimate plan of the universe was for the good of all that dwelt within its brilliant unimaginable beautiful wonderful and vast golden glorious boarder. The concept of time vanished and I seem to exist in an everlasting moment. The physical universe was indeed a most precious jewel in the mind of God. In the dimension I entered, I did not see the typical heaven or paradise like panoramas that many NDE’S describe in their accounts. God is multi-dimensional and just like Jacobs’s ladder there are countless different steps leading u to the glory of oneness with the Divine Mind.
The greatest emotion there was the feeling of unconditional all encompassing eternal love by our creator and all other joyful beings in this everlasting blinding pure domain of light and life. All life was of prime importance. Not only human souls were precious to God but he had also created all the animals fore his delight. We sang there all together in perfect harmony the creation song of Gods existence and eternal mystery.
This timeless reality was so very much more real than the three-dimensional reality we experience on earth. In this state, my mind was clear and I could feel an incredible energy and power coursing through me in this new wonderful indescribable time place. There seem to be nothing but a sense of knowing, being and loving. A strange thing was that in this dimension one could alternate between the subjective and objective anytime at will. Oh! How my soul did delight then and how reluctant I was to return to the bleak mundane existence of my earthly life. Reflecting back on my early life I wondered how many moments or days of subjoin on earth in my mortal body had being truly happy.
I was now experiencing a continual sustained happiness beyond description together with unimaginable joy, peace and glory.
During my sojourn in this other realm, I went amongst the stars, saw their mighty glory and glorious multi-colored planets, and observed great beings than were countless million kilometers high, which sailed on radiant light in the dark space that makes up most of the universe. I asked the infinite one if there was life in the universe and knew it was awash with life. Wave after wave of revelation swept through my whole being and the wonder and joy of it all was almost too much for me stand or comprehend. It was revealed to me then that our prime purpose for existing was to ever progress upwards through many dimensions towards the light of the ultimate absolute reality (which is God), while always retaining our blessed uniqueness. In the end we will all merge with all things, restore harmony to creative existence. We would then still be ourselves, but also have access to the infinite knowledge, power and presence of the creator God, as we finally obtain eternal ecstatic union with the Divine and one another.
Some of the future events coming to planet earth were explained, revealed and shown to me. I have detailed these in a separate article “predictions by Alan” Humanity would eventually have to migrate from planet earth into the universe, as the earth’s resources were finite. No nuclear holocaust would obliterate earth and the greatest threat was the population explosion. In addition, the future was not set in stone and the decisions taken by a person or a nation could alter the outcome of the future. Catastrophe can still be averted if humanity would only take heed of the warnings that nature was presenting them now.
The future only needs one good person to make a colossal difference towards the ultimate good of humanity. The reverse is unfortunately also the case and this might be the explanation for the enigma for the existence of evil. Although our heritage is very important to us all it is much more important to leave a positive legacy. The loss of moral absolutes was sadness to the divine and the restoration of these was of paramount important if humankind was to escape extinction. All persons should not only believe but also know that all will ultimately have to account to the divine for what they have done while on their journey of life, as mere mortal beings while on planet earth. In the end, however, good will prevail in the universe and evil banished into outer darkness forever. The mystery of evil was an inscrutable mystery beyond the understanding of any person. All things process in cycles of spiritual metamorphosis out of darkness towards the light. The victory that is the composite white light of God will prevail over evil. Evil is necessary that we can comprehend the good and the companionate.
I also enquired as to whether we similar experienced pleasures exist in the spiritual realm as we do with our mortal bodies while on earth such as, good food, mortal love touch, taste, smell, sight, sex, would this all be lost when we took on ethereal or spiritual bodies. What about our friends, family, lovers, soul mates? Travel, homes, etc, etc, etc what about boundaries of conduct was anything forbidden if sin was abolished? As there would no longer be evil or sin in heaven, everything would be permissible and we would be able to experience ecstasy, bliss and sublime joy as we mingle and merge completely with any one we wish. Everything “there” is much much more intense, sustained and beautiful complete and wonderful than anything we could remotely liken to on the earthly plane. You might ask where the “there” was that I referring to earlier. What comes after life very much depends on what you have done in this life, if you were extremely evil, without redeeming qualities you would not ascend but descend into a hell in the void relative to you evil deeds while on earth. The reverse is the case of good people and if you are reading this article, you are one of the good and safe. It is indeed very exciting and totally beyond the imagination of any earthly mortal.
There a total mystical union with the divine will become the norm and unions between spirits. Perhaps the greatest intense ecstasy known to humanity was sex and something like this continues in the next life, but it is much more glorious, intense euphoric, sublime, rapturous and sustained for as long a moment as the parties desired. We would be free to please each other and ourselves by totally giving of our souls, spirits and minds in a merging of such unimaginable pleasure in a controlled manner that our present minds and bodies could not comprehend. However the union with the Divine is something more, so wonderful, unimaginable beautiful, sublimely, blessed, happy, glorious that no words yet formed in any earthly language could come remotely near describing this eternal bliss.
A process of continual learning takes place and an instant access and pooling of all knowledge by telepathy between all the minds in the universe is possible. In addition, it is possible to communicate in this manner with the simple innocent minds of our passed over beloved pets and all creatures big and small. We would have instant access to all our beloved ones, throughout creation, no matter how far they are from us, by this exciting means. Wonderful is it not? Therefore, there is no such thing as separation, loneliness, tears, sorrow, and sickness and finally there is victory over death itself. The spirit can create like God, by thought alone, anything it desires over there, such as a personal mansion.
Would all humanity no matter how depraved and evil in life on death go to this wonderful dimension life? No, absolutely not! We would be constantly bombarded by evil thoughts (as the means of communication was telepathy) and heaven would become an unheavenly place. So it is logical and obviously that God cannot permit this to happen Yes evil monstrous beings such as Hitler and his type are cast into outer darkness, as the darkness of true evil can never ever penetrate the light of God. The book of life, which is contained as memories in the temporal lobe of our brain, are played off, like a video recording on death before God. This is called the life review by near death experiences. Each person will have to face judgment for what was done by them done while on earth. We all unlike Hitler have some light and goodness within us and this will enable us to perpetrate the light of God. One candle dispels the darkness. Anyone reading this testimony will definitely not be going into outer darkness but will inherit the kingdom of God. The spirits of all animals will return to God from whence they had come God loves them dearly. The abuse of children will face the full wrath of God and it would be better for this type of person to have never been born.
It is awesome to think that the dimension discussed in this testimony is only the first of many that the spirit has to travel before finally merging and submerging with the Infinite Almighty. We would then have the unbelievable of direct access to the infinite mind of God. (Jacobs Ladder).We must always remain humble in relation to God, as the finite can never comprehend the infinite.
Indeed the creation of our glorious universe was an intelligent act of an omnificent unimaginable indescribable beautiful mind.
The below was shown to me. How one should live out their earthly mortal lives:
In order to grow through life one must first establish a harmony within oneself, harness all our natural talents, gifts, formal and non-formal education towards the essential goals in life. Chose early that which you love and do the utmost to make that your life long career and you will not really have to work one day in your life. Establish a hierarchy of preferences and aim for those most realistic and highest on the list. Imagine you have only one year of life left and list the things you would do if this were all the time left for you. Incorporate this into the list, ranking all the events, and look at it. It should give you much thought in planning your journey through life.
Never ever, stop learning, even if you live to be one hundred years of age. Fascination with all things around you makes a rich and wonderful personality. A very high-developed sense of humour is of absolute prime importance in order to overcome the pitfalls of life. You might say, ‘well that’s all right for the young but I am middle aged or older, However no matter what ones age, do the suggested exercise and you will be amazed at the richness and opportunities out there still within your grasp.
Life is rich and has so much to offer us all. Be positive in the midst of negativity by using that powerful tool, your sense of humour. Very important although not apparent to many persons is the absolute necessity of having a real soul mate and friend who travel is the road of life with you. This might not necessarily be you spouse, amazing as this sounds. They are often not our eternal soul mate, strange as this might be to some. They are the ones with which we will share eternity.
Establish and maintain a link to the Divine, each one in their own personal way, be it by meditations, prayer, or contemplation of the glory and breathtaking beauty of existence. Do whatever invigorates you the most. Make life fun, pleasurable, happy, joyful but never depraved. Sensuality is a wonderful gift if used correctly. Use this part of your psyche correctly and to the utmost. “Really, life should be exquisite, fun, pleasurable, enjoyable and glorious. Unhealthy obsessions must be avoided like a plague (religious fanaticism etc).
There are energy vampires, who will drain you of your life energy, leave you exhausted and depressed. Avoid them at all costs where practical. Make your friends energy invigorators and be one yourself. Again, the key here is ones sense of humour. The mendacious are a pain and do not really make good company, but sometimes we can overlook and just laugh at their ridiculous stories.
Of course, life is not always a bed of roses and those dark times will come to us all. Nevertheless, when in the long cold night of darkness of mourning sorrow, hopelessness and despair, one should always realize that the dawn will always come again and the sun shine warm once again upon ones cheek in the morning of joy. Take it from someone who really knows!
Oh! How important it is to be forgiving. Unforgiveness has no purpose and will fester like a malignant tumour and result in ill health, doing more harm to yourself than to the one you will not forgive. Love each other. However, how does one do this? Love is an action, so do love, even if you don’t feel it. Carry it out by actions. Compassion is a wonderful unique human quality, so enhance this within your being to the utmost degree.
Don’t allow anyone to take away from you that which you know is true to yourself. Honesty is the best policy and sometimes-absolute truth can hurt, so temper it through a fine filter of compassion. Humanity consists, mainly of good people, who are being held ransom by a minute evil 0000.1 few. Some religious fanatics say that humanity is intrinsically evil and destined to hell. This is just nonsense.
Wisdom comes with the passing years, but ask children difficult questions and you will be amazed at their insight. Learn from their wisdom. Live life like an incandescent light, glowing brightly until you put off this mortal cloak and blink out of existence. In other words, live until your demise. Savour and cherish each glorious moment. Be careful not to say hurtful things to others because once the words have left your lips you can never take them back.
You legacy will become the heritage of those that come after you, and so what you do with your life is not only important to yourself. There is one companion that will be with you every moment of your life and you should love this person as much as you love anything in the whole world. This precious person is none other than you.
Use and develop your intuition to a very high degree and it will help you ovoid stumbling on the rocks along the pathways of Life. Have you not been aware when you come into a room and meet a stranger that there is an instant liking or dislike between the two of you? On the other hand, you have felt that a course of action was wrong and the closer you got the more uncomfortable you got with this course of action. Take heed of this inner warning always and you will avoid much trouble in your life’s journeys These are examples of intuition and beyond, listen and adjust to them carefully and you could avoid much pain sorrow and anguish in your life.
The eye is the window to the soul, look into the eyes of a stranger and you will hear your mind saying “beauty, kind, shy, bad, ugly, evil” or remote etc. By just one careful look, one can read much about the character of one you do not know. When alarm bells ring in your mind, please listen to them. However, guard this precious entry and input to your soul, in like manner that it comprehends beauty, so does it store and comprehend the depraved and the wicked.
You are truly absolutely 100% unique. There has never been one like you, there is now no one like you, and in all the future eternities, there will never be another just like. Of you fathers half billion sperm cells, only one reached you mother’s egg and this was you. No has ever had your unique genetic D.N.A. code or fingerprint. Are you not, therefore, very special and is it so wrong to love and respect the wonderful creation you are? You are indeed a very special unique creation of the Divine mind of God.
Go outside or get away from the noise of the city and in the quiet of early morning listen carefully, and listen and hear the birds chirping like beautiful darting electrons in the mind of God. Take in the glory of existence all around and feast your eyes on its beauty. You know, of all the countless trillions of snowflakes, leaves, flowers, and no two are identical and each one is a unique creation of the Divine mind of God. Feel the breeze upon your skin, smell the fragrance of the universe bath in the glory and joy of you existence. Be at peace with yourself and all the rest of the universe. You are a child of the universe, so special and wonderful. Develop the dormant sixth to ninth senses- and, those beyond the normal five not yet utilized, and you will be able to merge yourself in the wonder of the cosmic mind.
Take your mind into the place of unimaginable beauty and wonder, go on a journey into places you have never been and go further into the cosmic vastness of the beauty of the universe, with the power of imagination.
What is the purpose of life? It is to live it to the full, without hurting others or doing the depraved. Charity is wonderful gift and nourishment to the soul. Give kindly and gladly to someone in need and see how very good you feel.
Question everything with a sense of anticipation and wonder. Love and respect your mortal body, as it is the vehicle that takes on this journey through mortal life on earth. However, know this your consciousness or life energy is eternal and continues on forever, beyond the last curtain of life on this blessed earth.
Planet earth our amazing beloved mother must be preserved, loved, cherish in all her blue glory. She is a blue blazing diamond glowing brightly in the vastness of the universe. Love all gods’ creatures. Get all your priorities in order. Spouse, companion, family and children first. A balance in life between ones occupation and home life is essential or the psyche becomes unbalanced and depression and anxiety will take hold of you. Take much time to be with the one you know best, namely, yourself.
Life is a school and if you do not pass a test, you will repeat it repeatedly until you have passed it and only then be able to move on. Life made up of countless choices and each choice could ultimately determine and define ones destiny.
How we maintain good health, Develop a powerful sense of humour, much laughter and exposing one to things extremely funny. Then having sufficient physical and mental exercise combined with a balanced died of fish combined with as many brightly coloured fruit and vegetables as one can afford. Genetic proposition unfortunately plays a factor not always under our control. Red meat should be restricted to the rare occasion. Remember, your body is the temple of your soul and if you pollute it with toxic substances, you will suffer the consequences thereof.
What about pollution of the mind? Yes, one must be very careful about what you allow into the gateways of your mind. Once filth, depravity, and perversion have been looked at, it is imbedded deep within the brain perverting the soul and mind until death and beyond.
Look, listen, read and enjoy that which is good and healthy to the mind. Guard all the doors or inputs to your mind; you are the one that permits these images or sounds into your brain. What is allowed into our minds in of such prime importance that it cannot overstated?
If there is one factor that will make you a popular person, it is to be a good listener and restrict the constant use of, “I did this”, “I am that”, etc. Do this and see how people seek out your companionship.
I, however, acknowledge that the complexities and realities of life are much more complex than what I have written in my brief essay, which is based on my life experiences Thousands of voluminous unreadable books have been written on this subject. Life should be fun and enjoyable, so savour each precious moment you have as sweet incense to the soul.