Re: The last thing Ron Paul needs is advice from that pair!
"Wake up and smell the roses! We ARE talking about the former head of military intelligence - not someone you normally see dropping into Mister Rogers neighborhood. More like someone trained in the arts of deception at the highest level. A prime candidate, especially when paired with a wife trained in using psychology, for black ops contracts. "
You would have been right at home in the days of the mob mentality, and the rope. So they worked for the CIA. What has that got to do with health issues today? You may be right about them, but you're not going to make the case based on their job with the government.
"Your "last email to Rima" Huh? I personally am baffled that you would even attempt to correspond with "Rima". Or "Bert" either. "
It's called giving the accused a chance to either make a case that you are wrong, or dig themselves further in the hole.
You're unbelievable. There is no room for anybody else to say anything about the issue. There is no posting of information, or links allowed if it doesn't pass your inspection. That's baloney. My mind is made up with facts, not somebody elses opinion, or innuendos by sombody that wrote a book.
"I guess Ron Paul's campaign people have a few bigger priorities than reading my posts in CureZone. "
In your last post, you're the one that said you had a contact with them. I was under the impression that you were going to make that contact and ask them why they are asking Laibow, and husband for help. I said if you did, I would be interested in their reply. If you have overstated your contacts, okay, forget about it.
If you want to be the "Curezone sheriff, I don't mind but I will post what suits me, and reserve the right to express my opinion.