I am with you 100% on this one! The best way to avoid finding out what Queen Hillary might proclaim is to avoid coronating her to begin with.
The best choice for Health Freedom and the best choice to take back our country is Ron Paul.
I am doing my part and would urge everyone else to do the same:
Together we CAN win - and this may be our last best chance to stop what the New World Order folks have in mind for us.
Thanks for the post - when it comes to Ron Paul, it is always news about our health and our freedom to be able to choose how to best address our own private health issues and our own private bodies.
What my anti-Laibow/Stubblebine is all about is that those two wicked agents have a proven history of infiltrating groups and then dividing them, diverting attention and ultimately destroying credibiilty and I do not want to see them do the same to the issue of our freedom to determine how we address our own health issues, what we decide to utilize for our own bodies and our access to natural and alternative supplements and treatments.
This quote from a veteran at the Mercola blogsite aptly describes that pair:
"Those two have a long, clearly demonstrated, record of being government black-op disinformation agents, disinformation ladeled out to the unwary in a most sophisticated way. I have seen enough of these media big wig spokespersons on a number of major issues speaking out of both sides of their mouth for many years. I now regard these folk as simply evil."
And evil indeed they are. All you have to do is follow the links I provided and do some checking to see who you are really dealing with. These links all go to people who are much more established in natural and alternative health than the double agent team of Laibow and Stubblebine, who are merely on their latest assignnment, an extended one that is very important to those who seek to enslave us.
It does not surprise me to find no response to your questions. The director of the International Wellness Directory twice contacted them to correct proven mistruths in their materials, but never got a response, and the false information remained. The same thing happened to The Dr. Rath Foundation and to the International Association for Health Freedom. Who are you going to trust - Mercola, Rath, Hammell, the International Wellness Directory, me . . . or the ex-head of US Military Intelligence and a Psychiatrist with a correspondence school degree in naturopathy whose past history and past health freedom deception are there for all to see?
They trumpet all of their so-called accomplishments, when the truth is that they have diverted away money and attention from real health freedom advocates and the important health freedom issues - just as they have done now since 2005. They have told their followers to play with their mouses, turn over their names and addresses to the other side, and have them sending petitions to the FDA (what a laugh!) focusing on FDA guidelines and telling them to not move until further instructed. The list of phony accomplishments they take credit for, pales in comparison to the passages of S 1082 and HR 1561 while all the attention was misdirected on lesser issues. Those bills merely contained language that can be used to seriously harass dietary supplements by enabling the FDA to apply drug-related risk analysis to the safety of food and food ingredients (and thus dietary supplements).
Thanks for the information about them associating themselves with Ron Paul. No doubt the ex-chief of US Miltary intelligence and psychiatrist combo is an effecitve and well funded group and they have fooled many at least momentarily. It does not surprise me at all to find that among the duped are some individuals in Ron Paul's campaign and offices.
You can count on one thing: I will be sure to immediately inform my contacts in the Ron Paul office and campaign about the deception and who these folks really are. The last thing that good man needs is to be infected by that evil pair.
Here is a response from the International Associaton of Health Freedom's John Hammell about Laibow-Stubblebine:
From: John Hammell [mailto:jham@iahf.com]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 4:15 PM
To: panla@comcast.net; jeff.webb10@verizon.net
Subject: RE: ACT NOW: FDA Forbidding AllAlternative HealthCare
Importance: High
At 07:39 AM 4/6/2007, you wrote:
Could you please provide me the perspective you have on Rima Laibow? This is the THIRD time I’ve had someone promote her information as being valid, therefore her efficacy.
Be Healthy & Have a GREAT Day!!
E.B. aka scott
Scott/Jeff and other members of PANLA: (Please forward this to anyone who you sent the NSF "alert" to---
Rima Laibow/Bert Stubblebine of the so called "Natural Solutions Foundation" are not people we can trust, and their so called "alerts" should not be forwarded. Their "alerts" are chock full of SPIN, DISINFO, and outright LIES. Their most recent "alert" about an FDA Federal Register Notice is no exception- they're engaging in gross sensationalism in order to call attention to themselves in an effort to create a perception that they're "the group to follow." They're attempting to HIJACK the health freedom movement. Their "solutions" aren't solutions- what they are is DISTRACTIONS from the REAL solutions and REAL ISSUES which IAHF and allied organizations are struggling to put before the public.
They are operating a controlled opposition group on behalf of globalist interests, and they're not respected by IAHF, National Health Federation, Alliance for Natural Health, The Dr.Rath Health Foundation, American Association for Health Freedom, American Holistic Health Association, Freedom in Canadian Health Care, or any other legitimate health freedom organization anywhere in the world.
See information at http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/page/page/3312735.htm and read Paul Taylors article about Stubblebine who is the former Director of Army Intelligence. His reports went directly to the CIA and to the Whitehouse. Leopards don't change their spots- these people have been treacherous from the moment they first entered our movement. See Paul Taylor's article "A Modern Major General Exposed?"
When they were unable to control the contents of Kevin Miller's documentary film about Codex ("We Become Silent") http://www.welltv.com
(to exclude the whole section which showed the tie in between CAFTA and CODEX) Laibow/Stubblebine sued him. They had gotten friends of theirs to donate money to him for making a documentary,but that didn't give them any right to dictate what the contents would be. Miller refused to capitulate to their demands and made the film the way all of us wanted it made, but in our litigious society, anyone can sue anyone- and by suing him, they successfully BLOCKED him from being able to come out with an UPDATED version of the film which would have discussed ongoing efforts by the FDA and World Ruling Elite to usher Codex into the USA via regional harmonization.
They blocked him from being able to warn people about the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter (With Canada and Mexico). See my petition at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232#body Its important to recognize that Laibow/Stubblebine aren't doing ANYTHING to warn people about FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter or the North American Union, what they're doing is they're DISTRACTING people with messages such as this one about an FDA Federal Register Notice that they're grossly sensationalizing and are playing up as a threat. I have read the FDA's Federal Register Notice: http://www.fda.gov/OHRMS/DOCKETS/98fr/E7-3259.htm and their assertions are absurd. They would have us believe that FDA has the ability to rewrite the law. FDA can't do that, only Congress can. They would have us believe that through a Federal Register notice, FDA has the ability to make changes to the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 under which dietary supplements are regulated as foods. They would have us believe that based on what FDA is saying, that unless FDA hears from a lot of people, non MDs (naturopaths, chiropractors) will suddenly not be allowed to recommend dietary supplements to patients and that health food stores would no longer be allowed to sell them to us. That is absurd!
It should be self evident that unless we are able to stop our country from being forced into the North American Union, that failure to defend our sovereignty equals failure to defend the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act and all of our other laws as well as our Constitution. Laibow/Stubblebine aren't doing a damn thing to call attention to this, moreover, when our movement attempted to kill CAFTA, (recognizing that the SPS language it contains ropes us more into CODEX) Laibow/Stubblebine generated no less than SEVEN spin pieces against our message while SIMULTANEOUSLY telling people that they'd just achieved a (non existent) "VICTORY" at Codex.
They did this in order to create COGNITIVE DISSONANCE in the minds of the people who were receiving our alerts- because they wanted them to SIT ON THEIR HANDS and not do ANYTHING to oppose CAFTA. Right now, they're not doing anything to warn people about FDA's TCC or the NAU which its part of:
If you fail to grasp the fact that our country is being deconstructed right now with the ruling elite's plan being to force us into a North American Union with Canada and Mexico patterned after the European Union Dictatorship, please take the time to examine this information:
1. My petition calling for Congressional oversight on the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/373269232#body
2. Interview Jerome Corsi of World Net Daily just did of me: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=55028
Here are the other links I posted previously:
IAHF List-. Several of you have been forwarding alerts that you've received on the Codex ... Both Stubblebine and Laibow have strong connections within the ...Mercola Wisely SPIKES Erroneous ARTICLE in FAVOR OF _TRUTH_!!! - Aug 15
www.iahf.com/20050517.html - 27k - Cached - Similar pages - Note thisWhy to IGNORE Natural Solutions Foundation's & CFH's "Advice" on CODEX
www.iahf.com/20050618a.html - 8k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Modern Major General Stubblebine// Rima Laibow- (so called)"Natural Solutions Foundation". IAHF List:. A few people on the IAHF list have forwarded an alert ... |
Natural Solutions Foundation? Credability Seriously Questioned by ...
IAHF believes that the REAL reason the NSF was created was to try to DIVERT the health .... Stubblebine III have. (More on Laibow/ Stubblebine at end.) ... A Modern Major General Exposed? http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/THE_FOUNDATION/Events/codex-moderngeneral.... |
You can imagine my thoughts when I read the names Rima Laibow and general Albert Stubblebine. They are part of the military intelligence group that completely destroyed the UFO community in the 1980s and 1990s. Now Stubblebine seems to be out on doing the same with the 9/11 Truth community ... |
I guess Ron Paul's campaign people have a few bigger priorities than reading my posts in CureZone. I shudder to think of my name on a Laibow/Stubblebine list of any kind - although I am sure that by now I am on one, and it isn't likely to be the "A" list for invites to the Xmas party.
Wake up and smell the roses! We ARE talking about the former head of military intelligence - not someone you normally see dropping into Mister Rogers neighborhood. More like someone trained in the arts of deception at the highest level. A prime candidate, especially when paired with a wife trained in using psychology, for black ops contracts. Just follow their trail since Berty retired and the two teamed up: First the UFO movement (must have been something to hide there after all), then the 911 truth movement (we KNOW that their is plenty to hide there) and then the Health Freedom movement. Concidence?
Your "last email to Rima" Huh? I personally am baffled that you would even attempt to correspond with "Rima". Or "Bert" either. Did you not read what I posted or follow the links? Did you not see what John Hammell wrote about how they are hijacking the health freedom movement and pretending to be for health freedom while vehemently opposing any measures that address the real issues? John Hammell is the real deal and so is Dr. Rath. Same for Mercola. What more do you need? Reassurance from johnny-come-latelies Aunt Rima and Uncle Bert?
Asking that pair to respond to what is obviously true is like their hilarious petition drives where they have twice diverted attention from more important issues and gotten their duped followers to sign petitions and send in their comments to the FDA. Not your congressman, who might listen and take action, but the FDA itself, the agency bent on serving Big Pharma and restricting our freedom of how to treat ourown bodies and our access to all but a handful of vitamins and minerals at non-therapeutic levels. That is the equivalent of having your family captured by a group of murdering rapists and getting all the family members to sign petitions asking them to behave themselves.
The way this thread has gone is very much like a Laibow/Stubblebine operation. It started off on the good note of how much money Ron Paul had collected. I followed up with a post in support of Ron Paul. Next thing you know, Laibow/Stubblebine enters the thread and now it has become something totally different that what it started out to be.
These folks are NOT on our side. It is a waste of time and attention to even argue about it or discuss it and it disturbs me greatly to see them inserting themselves in the Ron Paul campaign. Ron Paul being elected is the very last thing the side they work for wants to see.
A campaign and staff consist of a very large number of people. It is easy to see how some could be duped by masters of deception. It happened here after all - and at one time I was one of the duped.
Most assuredly Ron Paul did not personally ask them - and after he looks into tthe matter, it is doubtful that anyone connected with him or his campaign will be calling on them further.
You really do have issues when someone posts something counter to what you post don't you? Too bad you are so sensitive - you have a history of mostly useful posts here on CureZone. We SHOULD be on the same side here. Like you, I too was once duped by Laibow/Stubblebine - imagine my embarassment and the taste of fresh crow after I posted on that foul group's behalf both here at Curezone and at the Yahoo health group I host and moderate.
Evidently UNLIKE you, I was willing to look at the facts, do some investigating and then admit that I was wrong (and no, I did not call up Rima or Bert - after what I found there was no need whatsoever and I wanted nowhere near their sights).
You would have been right at home in the days of the mob mentality, and the rope. So they worked for the CIA. What has that got to do with health issues today? You may be right about them, but you're not going to make the case based on their job with the government.
Oh yes, the insulting style of debate always wins lots of points. Actually, it is the sure sign of someone who is on the wrong side of an argument but refuses to admit it. No, I did not make my case based on their jobs with the government, past and present. I made my case very plainly based on the numerous links to information from some of the most respected voices in natural health today. Have you bothered to follow those links and read what they contain yet? If so, your continued protests here stretch belief.
You are kidding us, right - I mean about what the CIA has to do with credibility or trust? I would have been at home during the days of mob rule and a rope? Hardly, but YOU wmight have been right at home in the days that the kind storm troopers were leading the Jews off to their new bath facilities.
It's called giving the accused a chance to either make a case that you are wrong, or dig themselves further in the hole.
In this case it is called being naive about what is going on in the world and corresponding with a group whose ultimate masters in the move towards one world government care not a whit about human life, yours or mine. This is not a matter of the so-called accused being some Joe citizen off the street or the nice neighbor lady who makes apple pies on Sunday - this is an evil group you really do not want to be near or known to. IF you would but read the links I provided, this is someone with a proven black ops history against movements the power elite want silenced and discredited and this is a pair that is shunned by every respectable health organization in the world.
You're unbelievable. There is no room for anybody else to say anything about the issue. There is no posting of information, or links allowed if it doesn't pass your inspection. That's baloney. My mind is made up with facts, not somebody elses opinion, or innuendos by sombody that wrote a book.
No, you are incredible. The evidence has been lain at your feet and you merely sniff it and turn your nose up because you don't like the smell of it and try to pass it off as mostly "opinions". No, the links provided plenty of concrete facts and incidences, not merely opinions. And the opinions it did provide were not exactly from your local barber or waitress were they? No, merely the most respected voices in alternative health today - you know, the them of this forum.
There is always plenty of room here and in the world for truth. There is no room here for lies and deceptions about an issue that is so vital to all of us. Neither is there room for continued ignorance in a forum whose slogan begins with "educating".
In your last post, you're the one that said you had a contact with them. I was under the impression that you were going to make that contact and ask them why they are asking Laibow, and husband for help. I said if you did, I would be interested in their reply. If you have overstated your contacts, okay, forget about it.
I do have contact with them - especially in the Texas offices, and I have contact with Ron Paul's Texas congressional office as well. That does not mean that he knows me from Adam, or that I have any idea which of his congressional or campaign staff members have been duped like you have been. But you can rest assured that I have sent them the information. Less than half an hour ago, I sent it to 18 people in his offices and campaign and another dozen people outside the Ron Paul organization to make sure that their attempt to infiltrate the Ron Paul campaign and use it to further their own agenda is exposed.
If you want to be the "Curezone sheriff, I don't mind but I will post what suits me, and reserve the right to express my opinion.
I'm no sheriff, but I am a crusader for truth and freedom - especially health freedom and, yeah, I do have a problem when I see erroneous information posted as fact. I have a very big problem when I see someone duped into buying into the Laibow/Stubblebine deception that seeks to destroy health freedom under the guise of supporting it. Already they claim a mailing list of 200,000 people that their massive campaign has duped. That is 200,000 people whose voices and money and efforts are being misdirected by the enemy when we need to speak as one.
You and anyone else has the right always to express their opinion - but when you do so, you should be prepared to defend it without slurs and innuendo and without ignoring clear evidence and the opinion of world famous figures in the alternative health field that contradicts what you post.
Like I said early on, I believe that you just have a problem with anyone taking issue to one of your posts. That was pretty obvious to me when you posted information about online and email petitions from Snopes, used it to give advice on what to do regarding one of my posts and then, instead of defending your advice, huffed to "take it up with Snopes" when you were contradicted.
This issue and this forum should be above such pettiness. As it is, you have taken what could have been a very positive thread for Ron Paul and turned it into a debate about Laibow and Stubblebine, in which I believe you are a minority of one. Your time and efforts would be so much better spent supporting Ron Paul, as you appeared to start this thread to do to begin with.