Re: Chelation for Calcium Deposits?
Oh, this is so helpful..thanks for all the info. I'm going to save this, then research, see what protocol I can come up with for a starter.
While doing something fast may not always be the best way, I'm not one to take things too slowly, I'm cautious at first, I try to do my research (I'm always researching something!) until I feel comfortable enough to go ahead with something.
It's funny you mention the fingernail and rubbing your joint with it. Yesterday I soaked my fingers in very warm water mixed with 500 mgs. of magnesium, then later on I added apple cider vinegar, the raw unfiltered type. ( I did a lot of experimentation yesterday) Then I took a regular kitchen knife because it has a narrow but heavy handle, and wrapped it in a little paper towel and a thick rubber band, and I proceeded to hit my small finger joints right where the deposits are! I was wishing I had one of the Dr.s little rubber mallets that they use for checking reflexes..that would be perfect..but my knife worked really great.
Thanks for the warm regards also..very sweet.