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Chelation for Calcium Deposits?
Prism Views: 8,525
Published: 18 y

Chelation for Calcium Deposits?

I was just reading about EDTA amino acid and using it to get rid of calcium deposits in joints as I have it in my finger joints, especially my small finger joints. While there used to be pain, there is none anymore, ever since I started the raw foods diet. But they are swollen and crooked. I've tried some various things none working so far it seems.

I'm sure if I have it in my fingers there is unwanted build-up in other body parts also.

So, anyone know much about this and do you have to go to a Dr. for it, and is it expensive? I figure it is expensive.

What can I do for myself? It says lactic acid build up during exercise is a natural chelator, but I take raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar daily (which is supposed to remove the lactic acid from the muscles)which was the most helpful for me in getting rid of years of sciatica and the pain from it.

I thought this (chelation process) might be my next large protocol to use in rebuilding my health.




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