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I REALLY need help with toe nail fungus - 8 years !
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Published: 18 y

I REALLY need help with toe nail fungus - 8 years !

Hi everyone,

I really need help with a toe nail fungus problem. I have had severe toe nail fungus for about 8 years now. It began when I started wearing 2 pairs of socks in the cold winter months many years ago. I was too young to realise that this would be the result of such actions. I have several questions not only about what I need to do to cure the problem, but also about the actual infection.

1) Can toe nail fungal infections cause other problems with ones body or is it limited to the toe nails ?

2) Is the fungus actually IN ones blood ??? Thus can the fungus cause skin problems such as cystic lessions within the skin or is this not possible ?

I have heard of Lamisil tablets and am aware that they are quite harmful. I dont think I can take them as I am currently taking Isotretinoin which known to be harmful to the liver, so both togeather isnt going to happen.

When clipping my toe nails I wear dispossible gloves.

I would be very dedicated in clearing the problem with continuous treatment such as vinegar, ACV, Vicks rub etc..... Which ever someone can recommend.

Does continuous topical treatment kill the fungus in the nail bed or is it still living in the blood ????

I'd really really appreciate some advice and recommendations. Thanks and best regards.


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