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Re: What to do....Humaworm Please?
restasha Views: 2,011
Published: 18 y
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Re: What to do....Humaworm Please?

Hi Mooney,

I am a recovered endo survior!! Ok so this is what I did:

First the liver is what is not letting you heal.. since it is weakened from many other toxins in the body created by parasites.
You have to start backwards because all herbs can be estrogenic and increase your condition.
Heres what I did:

1. Start doing Liver flushes, they are hard in the beginning but you have to start.
Drink lots of apple juice Musselmans if possible and you will start having diaria immediately releasing stagnant Bile. After two-three days of apple juice do the liver flush, have atleast 12 glassed of apple juice before the first cleanse. You have a very congested liver.

2. Order Fibrovan and take highest dosage for three months, you have to be pain free to battle the parasites.

3. Ok by know yu should have done 5-6 liver flushes and released stones.

4. I am assuming you have no bile in your gut since your liver is clogged, so you have to do a colon cleanse to clean the plaque out.
Do a Blessed Herbs colon cleanse.

5. Wait about two weeks and do a Humaworm cleanse. Know you are getting better!!!
Healing is a process and you got this sick over a period of years, it will take some time to get better.

I was awful a year ago and know I am mentally, physically stronger and clear no pain and lots of energy.

You will be fine. Trust me.

take care,




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