What to do....Humaworm Please?
Hi Humaworm, hope that you and yours are happy and well. I am just wondering...I seem to do this a lot...if I could get the herbs I need now even though I do not want to start them until mid November because I have done a cleanse about 6 weeks ago, I had the woodworm, cloves and (forget what the other herb was called but you know what I mean) and I want to try yours next as I have heard such good reports.
I have been ill my whole adult life and I am not sure what it is down to but I went to see a health alternative practitioner who tested me for a number of things and she told me that I had liver fluke and that she thought that my problems where coming from this. I am not sure about it myself though of course I know from her that it is possible. However she feel that I may have got the worms when I was travelling in Asia about 10 years ago but I have had the health problems for my whole adult life and they started well before this.
My problems are Endometriosis...I will not under go traditional treatment for this which would be a Hysterectomy or hormonal stuff because I want to heal my self from the root if that is possible, the only thing is that it is spreading and I can feel it under my rib cage now...so needless to say this is frightening.
My other major problems besides from acne and allergies to dust and alcohol...food sensitivities is digestive problems which I have had my whole life. Light coloured stools, bloating, pain, inflammation, undigested food, mucus, burning pain when passing stools, greasy stools so on.
Anyway as you can see by life is pretty much made awful my this stuff and I have to work part-time and even that is getting to be too much as I am so chronically fatigue. So I am almost hoping that it is fluke so that I can get them out and get some improvement. Because I live in the UK I am wondering if I should wait a while to get your herbs because they would be fresher, when they got here and get them near to the time that I would use them. The other thing is that I cannot take herbs that are estrogenic due to the endometriosis, so I hope that it will be possible to take these out and if the treatment would still be effective if I did this. I need to find out what these herbs would be before I order? Also I am on Chinese Bitters and Coptis at the moment and I am wondering if I can still take there whilst taking your herbs?
Thanks Humaworm I know that this was a lot to read so sorry about that...Best Thoughts Moonie