Re: theend
Hey P, that's great that you were able to cure your eczema. My ex girlfriend has been battling with that for a long time. She has a very bad.
This is what I know works, obviously the only way to really get the belly fat off is a combination, of what we r doing right now with the parasite and colon cleanse, exercise and eating much less, but more frequent.
and what I mean by that is, instead of three big meals, you eat six small meals. We have to stop binge eating, grazing is the way to go, eat throughout the day. Take a look at animals that are grazers, like a horse they r not fat and eat all day but a bear binge eats and is fat, to last through hibernation.
By just eating three meals a day or two meals a day, you trick your brain, and it goes into instinctual survival mode, thinking that there is a famine.
By doing this you store more fat, until you get your brain to stop thinking it's in famine mode, then it will start to concentrate on getting rid of the fat.
With that said, exercise is your engine to success.
All you need is 20 minutes of aerobics three times a week, or more days if you want to be aggressive, but it's important to rest.
I decided not to do the low intensity exercise routines, because it was getting me nowhere and I realize I was not, pushing myself, and was not losing any weight as well. Just staying at that same weight. Even if I exercise every day, 3 miles -1 hour and 20 minutes. Because I was just a going at the same pace and not challenging my muscles. There was no difference than sitting on a couch.
Depending on who you are, your intensity level is different, I get on the treadmill, warmup for about five minutes, get off the treadmill. then stretch for 10 to 15 minutes.
Get back on the treadmill, turn on the radio, and go from 5 mph in increments every minutes up to my highest point, so you work up to 10 minutes. I didn't think I can do 7 mph, but now I'm doing 10 mph, which I'd never thought i'd be able to do, thanks to Tom Jones "she's a lady"
if you're high point is just walking up a hill, so be it.
after you reach your max top, then you go all theway back down, to your lowest point for a few minutes and work your way back up,
to 20 minutes.
remember when you're a little kid?
in grammar school, running around everywhere, your face was red and panting, almost ready to throw up from so much excitement and exercise, will now they have this new thing for grown ups called, the treadmill or a stationary bike. And it's just for 20 minutes a day.
I see the same people in the gym that have been there, walking for an hour at the same speed, and they still look the same, same with people walking up and down my street, I see this lady walking, every single day, five hours a day, we call her the walking lady, five years later, she still the walking lady and no weight has dropped, I didn't understand.
Same reason why you see some overweight postal worker, who walks every single day of their lives, and you would think they would be skinny from all that walking.
There stuck in limbo, and the body will not be forced to push itself, to sort of break out of the bubble to to evolve.
The aerobic workout that I'm doing, you're always moving and pushing yourself higher and higher reaching to the next level. and that helps stimulate the muscles to help lose fat.
Most of the routines you see, and I've tried, and are only good for, maintaining your weight.
after your 20 minute exercise, the most important thing, is don't eat for an hour. Your body is still burning fat.
Workout early in the morning, and along with this cleansing that you're doing, you should see amazing results. I don't think if I didn't use the cleansing I wouldn't see these kind of results.
I told you about the sit up exercises, that it is a myth to lose belly fat. What I heard is there are muscles underneath those 6 pack muscles (sit up muscle ) that get weaken and makes your stomach bulge out, you can do an easy exercise by tucking your stomach in and out each time, hold it longer and tighter, each time.
And this muscle is really easy to tighten up.
Or put your finger in front of your belly button, and hold it there and then tucked in your stomach in as far as you can, leaving your finger in place. Hold in your belly, for 15 seconds and then slowly let go, breathe normally during the exercise. I still argue with my friends about sit ups, they can do them all they want.
We have fat to burn, but unfortunately, the fat losing god doesn't pinpoint a specific location, and my friends can not specifically target their belly fat, they're wasting their time, it just takes fat from all around. And I can see a big difference. Plus, I lost 10 pounds in 14 days! My problem, I think it was like, a stuck drain, thank God I went through with this, it's definitely making me more motivated to go through, and conquer this belly.
And I also do lite weight lifting, mostly bench presses.
So I destroy the few myths that I'd been doing for a long time and changed my routine recently, and it feels good to get the blood pumping in the morning, gives you a good clear head.