I have been battling some hard itchy bumps, eczema, and a soar on my heel that has been persisting for a few years now. The first Humaworm cleanse stirred it up so RG suggested the next round be his x-tra strength. You have to discuss it with him first and her likes you to do the regular version for the first try.
funny thing is that while I was waiting for my next round I have been using a combo of salve with anti-parasite herbs in it and also putting lots of Lugols iodine on it. I have also been taking Lugols internally.
Well about a week ago I stopped everything and put calandula on it and it is almost gone!!!!
Im still goin forth with my next cleanse as I have other parasite symptoms and I know with living on a hobby farm with horses, goats and chickens that I am sure to get stuff.