Sounds like all that cleansing has cleansed away your bodies ability to defend itself...
I'm sure that Tony & Luella will agree that you need to rebuild your health at the cellular level. Spectrum mineral & trace mineral & vitamin supplementation is a must. However, the most important step is to feed your body the correct balanced nutrition that it requires to perform all bodily functions!!! I'm not saying you can't be a vegetarian, but you must ensure your dietary needs are met.
Don't expect any miracles overnight either. This will be a long haul so be prepared to work at it.
I imagine that you have allergy issues to food as well because your body lacks the minerals and other nutrients it needs to break down foods, so this will make your efforts challenging. I suggest keeping things very bland to start your diet and avoiding allergenic foods and supplements too.
Perhaps Tony and Luella can make some recommendations on healing remedies to jump-start your immune system in the right direction!