Re: That's still the complete opposite of what Scripture says.
I'm sorry Trapper, if what I said sounded like you yourself don't belong here. You and I have both been around Curezone for quite sometime and I've become rather fond of you. I was very happy when you were given a forum with W and V.
However what disturbed me greatly was your statement that there was no particular meaning to the name of Jesus or God. That is what I feel is at odds with Scripture and therefore at odds with this forum, which is a Biblically based forum. The Enlightened forum on the other hand, was created for just those areas in which people who claim Christianity as their faith, but have widely different ideas or definitions of what that entails can freely express those particular tangents.
Although the detractors of Christianity always point out that Christianity has many denominations or divisions, what I see is that if you read the statements of faith for the overwhelming majority of these main denominations, you will find that the basic foundations are always the same. The importance of the name of the Saviour, whether we want to say Jesus, Yashuah. Jèsu, or what have you, is not only an integral part of the faith, but clearly supported by Scripyure.
I'm not one to like engaging in long drawn out debates on gospel issues, and perhaps what you are not seing is that others may have valid experiences as well although different from yours. Ultimately though, it is not our individual experiences that are the defining criteria for what is gospel truth, it is the gospel itself. Furthermore, although as I've said I do not like engaging in contentions either, I do feel it is my call to conscience to speak up when the name which is above every other name comes into question, especially wthin the context of this Biblical support forum. If this same conversaton had popped up in the Christian debate or any other forum, I would not have even thought of replying. No, I'm not uncomfortable with the opinions of others, in fact I have made it a point to defend freedom of speech and thought throughout all of my adult life. But here on this little turf of the web, I don't feel that it is suppressing free speech when I or anyone else does what we were asked to do even in the face of persecutions, and that is to earnestly contend for the faith.
I hope that clears my intentions to you, even though I'm sure we may not agree. I still love ya :-)