Re: That's still the complete opposite of what Scripture says.
>>i know exactly what youre talking about. to me, they are superstitious beliefs that turn the word of god into a book of magic incantations. they dont DO anything. they are lip service.<<
I think you are now demonstrating the perfect reason why there is an Enlightened/Esoteric Christian forum, and this plain vanilla, no frills Biblical forum. Part of Biblical Christiaity is to accept and affirm the Godhood of Jesus Christ, His atonement, authority over all things created for and by Him and delegated authority of believers. We are clearly told that there is no other name under heaven or on earth by which all knees shall bow and all tongues confess His Lordship.
To say that the name of Yashua HaMaschiach/ Jesus Christ is not important on a Biblical discussion forum is ludicrous. Not because you don't have a right to your opinion, or to say that you haven't researched your subject carefully and drawn your own conclusions, but those conclusons are contrary to the stated purposes of this support forum. So what happens if I go into the VWT forum and say that Iodine is a pertty brown stuff but is totally poisonous. Do I hit instant popularity?