Re: LOVE: a feel-good social construction.
>"Contrary to what you have been taught you are NOT a brain. Your brain is not the >thing that is controling your life. Nor are you a body
>dependant on the brain to tell you how to respond to any given circumstance".
What you said above, is same time true and false. Thought your consious mind, your brain develops a result for your body to follow, what will eventually cause your hormonal system to react according to brain at the time. That in turn causes hormonal glands to release a qty of hormones (consiously or subconsiously). In due course the hormones will hit the brain as the circulation will transfer and mix the powerful coctail to the nerve center.
So, stricly speaking true and false have a time lag between them. What we originally think, may not happen in the real world.
Brain output will be a combained effect of our thought and the hormones released as a result. Could well be that hormones will eventually take over and original thought doen't count any more.
(Sometimes it scares me how we are a slaves to our hormones).
Can't say, I have ever experienced NDE as such.
However, being near NDE changes one's way of thinking of life. That prompts me to say that there is no sudden change of circumstances at NDE. Closer you get more you see & experience.
One of the "symptons" from visit near NDE is a "rearrangement" of priorities !
Being "in love" and especially being first time "in love" leaves some kind of benchmark in the brain that is near impossible to mach later. That may well be the reason why first time "in love" hormonal cocktail can only happen once as it's composition will be different in any other time.