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Re: Regressions.
vitamixgirl Views: 2,493
Published: 18 y
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Re: Regressions.

Neo------Here's maybe a simple and clearer answer of what I'm trying to say. I think these people that have regressed were doing better because their organs were functioning better with iodine. You can have lots of toxins in your body, but not have many symptoms from them if all your organs are working pretty good. It's when the toxins finally wear your organs down, you start noticing all the symptoms. Iodine starts reviving your organs, and then your symptoms start to disappear, but that doesn't mean the toxins are all gone. And it's a big cycle. If your organs get deficient and weakened, toxins accummulate at a much faster rate. Then the toxins damage the organs further, and it is very hard to break the cycle. That's why Iodine is so important. Iodine helps to break this cycle by healing the organs so they can deal with the toxins. I think the iodine did lesson the toxin load(heavy metals,etc.)of the people you are talking about. But when the iodine was stopped, the cycle started back. We are exposed to toxins everywhere--food, air, etc. Iodine is a protector. Again it comes down to were these people sufficient that regressed so quickly---I would say they were probably not.


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