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Re: Question..

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Re: Question..

I always wondered why the Christ was so nonchelant when asked about the poor and lame and why all the suffering. When the Deciples asked him about that he was rather flipant about it basically saying "Ah, don't worry about that".

Could it be that He knew they deserved their fate. Could it be that the dirty deeds of past lifetimes earned their fate this lifetime and they do indeed deserve to suffer.

Take a look around you. Where do you think Bush and the elites are going to be next lifetime??? All the people that do the wars and supress healing? They don't believe in an eternal soul. They think this lifetime is it. That's all you get. Sorry boys - not true.

If you can fully understand the eternity of your soul why not have a game of this magnatude? Good guys vs. bad guys type thing. Earn your fate, bad guy this lifetime suffer the next.

Is it possible to really be bad to someone else and not pay yourself back for it later on down the road? Is it possible that you the soul are soooooo honest you couldn't do a dirty deed without paying yourself back for it if you wanted to?

Or is it all a game? I can see the setting up there planning the events. When we die this lifetime we all get together again and talk it down. "Yeah, you got me pretty good this lifetime but remember 7 thousand years ago when I got you?" "Laid you low back then didn't I?" "Well, good job, you got me back".

And can you imagine how boring eternity is? And if you the soul never die what difference does it make that bodies suffer?

If you've seen real suffering, real starvation of the third world you cease complaining about your lot in life. Do those living in the third world deserve their fate? Were they politicians last lifetime? Warmongers? Work for the FDA or drug companies killing millions of people a year? Could be....

Do your best to help folks, take care of who God sends into your life to take care of. We may not have the itinerary for the exact dates and times for the events to happen but if you remember,,, too many times in life the right person shows up with the right data you need to solve the problem facing you. If you have the guts to put the problem right in front of you, confront it, face it, then YOU can get it resolved. That's God working in your life.

There are NO ascended masters. How could there be? As spiritual entities we were all born at the same time. For sure, some know more than others but if you take a close look, what they might be an expert at with one area leaves them whoafully inadequate in others. It all balances out - Thank you God.

Suffering? Yeah, they might just deserve their fate. Sounds cold but if the Christ wasn't upset about it I'm not going to be either. He also got quite pissed-off several times. Once at the very people that have put this little planet into the state it's in right now. So quit being a nice guy about all this and get a little irritated at the injustices you see in front of you everyday. War, disease, genocide at its finest. Legitimate reasons to use your skills and spend your efforts in a worthy cause. The same cause Christ and all the great prophets had. Freedom from slavery.

The bottom line is: You are much more powerfull than you've been led to believe. If you can put away all your prejudises and what you think you know and really take a long, hard look at that you will see its true. How can it be otherwise???

Spirit IS above material. Bodies suffer, souls move on... and when you consider the length of time in eternity any time spent on this little planet is not even a drop in the bucket.

Just the same, do your best to help. Do your best to ease the pain. Do your best to end the slavery.



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