Re: Excellent answers: panic attacks/lymphs/adrenals/liver
I've had alot of things become clear to me on curezone because of people knowing what they were talking about. I know I would never have learned this stuff by continuing to try to find out through medical Dr's.
I agreee on the
parasite problem in this country, and people not being aware of it, because I had no idea that could be what my liver problem was being caused from. We worm all of our animals- horses, cows, dogs, cats etc. The Gov knows what liver flukes do in the livestock industry, and cattlemen and sheepmen know that animals die from liver flukes.
At least I now have an idea of how to get things cleaned up. Just think of how many more people are sick in the US, & not getting anwers from Dr's, but spending alot of money without finding out the real reason? How many people here on cure zone will tell you how they not only were affected physically, but emotionally, mentally, and it affects relationships. You know you are sick, you know you have something wrong, but no one can put a finger on it- so it must just be in your head, "just get over it".
I know my adrenals have been depleted, and I'm looking forward to going back to the Alt. Med Dr. that will be doing Adrenal Fatigue testing on me to see what levels are. I don't ever remember having had Mono, but I tested high/positive for chronic/reactive Epstein Barr Virus, and I'm curious when I do get things straightened out with the lymphs/adrenals/liver, what those tests will show again.
I'm glad for answers like this too.