I wanted to share with you the answers to alot of the questions I've had about my healing process. I am so grateful that I have found curezone and am truly getting the answers, and the tools I need to get on the right path for healing.
Dr Sutter, from the forum Ask Dr. Sutter, has been helping me alot, he's a chiropractor and has been through alot himself physically, so he truly has the understanding from first hand experience.
check his answers out, and explanations of how
parasites can cause panic attacks; and about adrenal fatigue, lymphs, and how big of a role the liver plays in all of it.
for panic attacks/parasites
for answers about adrenal fatigue, lymphs, liver.
I have had congested liver problems for over 2 years now, and have finally found out, through starting a parasite, deworming program, that I have had a liver fluke infestation. I have no gallbladder, it was removed 2 years ago, and I thought that would be the answer to it all, which it wasn't.
One step at a time, but it's nice to finally have the tools, and the understanding of what needs to be done, and answers to why I've felt so bad, (and support and encouragement!) in spite of medical Dr's not being able to find anything on all their tests, and telling me they could put me on anti-depressants.
I am looking forward to having the adrenal fatigue test done in a few weeks by the chiro/chinese med Dr. I had thought about buying what you can order, but I do think I should be aware of what the levels of stuff are, and what is deficient, and be able to monitor it. Right?
I was diagnosed with Celiac with the endoscopy test, and with blood tests, and have been very careful for a year and 1/2 about gluten. Along with that, I started a "liver friendly" diet recommended by Dr. Cabot,
along with her Livatone capsules for liver support; and then after finding the Chiro/chinese medicine (Alternative Med) Dr. he got me started on colon cleansing; Premier Research Lab's liver/gallbladder detox, and okra pepsin.
When your liver hurts, you'll cut out whatever you have to in your diet to try to get it feeling better too, but it takes an awareness of what foodsdrinks are toxic to the liver, and what is "liver friendly". A side benefit has been, not trying to lose weight, but having the weight coming off by getting the liver healthier. I'm learning how an unhealthy liver affects everything, and the importance of getting it functioning, and healthy, (and not being made swiss cheese out of by liver flukes!)
I've done the CASTOR OIL packs twice now, and they have DEFINETLY helped! Two mornings in a row now, I have had the joy of waking up without feeling the two hurting spots in my abdomen that have been there for so long. I know the castor oil is going to help in getting them healed, now that the flukes are being killed and it has the chance to heal over.