Re: I'm finally ready to ask a few questions...
You would most likely get your answers if you would ask a few at a time... your post requires a great deal of work to answer completely.
In addition, there are no absolutes here to most questions, each individual is different.
"Iodine and Iodide: I understand that different parts of the body use different types. Thyroid uses
Iodide and breasts use Iodine, for example, correct?"
"If one takes a supplement for fibrocystic breasts, are they not risking throwing their thyroid out of balance by using one that contains both forms?"
I would think so if one was in a state of thyroid balance to begin with and wanted to focus the fibrocystic breast issue.
In other words, perhaps... good question.
"Has anyone using these supplements on this forum had their levels checked, and can each form be checked independently?"
I have not... never did. I have asked this question before and no one seems to step up to the plate admitting that they have, or have not. About the extent of it has been the visual skin test.
"Are there supplements with only one form?"
Yes, you can get potassium iodide; I am sure you can get
Iodine alone as well. May have to make it on your own if you find it hard to find.
Iodine in fact 'flush out' bromine and flouride by displacing it? Proof?"
You may get different answers on this but I would say no. By feeding your body iodine, it is now available for use at/in receptor sites that may have one time been dominated by fluoride and/or bromide as they are removed or reduced and then can be replaced by the adequate iodine/ide stores. Bromide is actually removed or trumped by chloride or fluoride. Fluoride by calcium and other minerals... in fact mineral chelation can occur with all the halides.
"I have also heard of it 'chelating' the others; what exactly is this?"
I answered in the previous question... I do not think that iodine/iodide actually acts as a chelator. However, it may indeed, when in sufficient quantities and taking over its intended roles in the body from fluor/brom - ine/ide, free them up to be chelated and/or removed from the body by minerals and/or a lower halide as is the case with bromine/ide.
"It seems to me a concern might be that one may have plenty of
Iodine and it is being inhibited by too much flouride and bromine (and chlorine?), therefore using an Iodine supplement may make more available to you and yet overdose your thyroid. I have read that boron and
Sea Salt will flush out bromine and flouride; would that not be a better choice initially, thereby being able to add Iodine in smaller amounts and less frequently, assuming it is found to be lacking after a flush?"
There is controversy on whether boron can effectively remove fluoride, however chloride does appear to flush out free bromide. It has been advised to start salt loading and chelating of the lesser halides before iodine/ide supplementation.
"I have noticed that the idea seems to be that bromine, flouride, and chlorine should not be found AT ALL in one's body."
This is a misunderstanding to the nth degree...
There is no way to avoid naturally occurring forms of fluoride, bromide and chloride. That said, isolated, manufactured or waste forms of these should NOT be found in the body and are unfortunately all too frequently found in higher amounts than the body is able to effectively deal with, reducing the effectiveness and concentration of the iodine that is present.
"Chlorine I agree with, but I seem to remember reading that bromine in small amounts is necessary to the body to utilize the Iodine. Also, flouride in small amounts is supposed to be beneficial, but I forget how."
It is about balancing these... halide balancing, not unlike mineral balancing or alkaline/acid balancing etc.
"So would the real problem not be an overabundance of these things? Hence the need to flush out the excess?"
That is it in a nutshell.
"While I'm on that, in the interest of not subsequently OD'ing on Boron, what would be the proper amounts to use and, therefore, what would the more appropriate supplement be?"
This again is as individual as the iodine supplementation... what has your diet, environment been like, including occupational/recreational exposure? What is your family history going back several generations?
"What about the use of
Sea Salt and sodium levels in the body and consequences thereof?"
14 teaspoonful of salt can poison an adult... what about it? Too much of anything can kill a person.
"I have also heard that ACV flushes out flouride (and aluminum)? Any truth to that (proof)?"
I have not heard that, but would not be surprised with a good ACV and high mineral content. What is your reference?
"I know this is the iodine debate forum, not the ACV debate forum (is there and ACV debate forum?)"
Not that I am aware of.
"I want to be healthier, I'm sick of hurting and having what I see being called 'brain fog'. Ultimately I would love to be off of all my meds and moving forward at a quicker rate."
Check your medication for halide ingredients. It is not uncommon for drugs to contain a halide like fluoride/ine to act as a carrier for the "active" ingredient.
Clear as mud pie?
Have you read through the FAQ in the
Iodine Forum s? Watched the videos in the links? Listened to the mp3s?
I suggest that you do if you have not.
Hope I helped you some.