Re: What Fix?
My question is why aren't we? They have been exposed. We know what they are up to. Why are we not outraged enough to stand up and shout?
Most people are too busy with their everyday "rat race" life, hardly anyone reads anymore, people don't want to be bothered with being shown how corrupt the gov really is, how damaging legal drugs are, that all our food is poisoned, that the educational systems, and the religious systems are corrupt, etc. etc. etc. The "representatives of the people could care less how "we the people" feel about anything, they vote according to their own agenda, and people keep voting them in! The whole world is full of apathy, and what a horrible shock it's going to be when all our freedoms are gone, and no one can do a thing about it. Especially in this cooutry that has lived for decades with "instant gratification".
I'd like to pose a question to anyone that might like to try and answer: if it was within your power to clean up this horrible mess, where would you even begin???????