Re: There is a remedy
Don Quixote - You ARE a dreamer. The OP is right "the fix is in" as it always is. As usual the mainstream candidates all bend over backwards (and frontwards) to show the shadow government that they can be the more compliant puppet in selling out the public to international money interestes than the next guy.
Bush has been the best president yet by the standards of the ruling elite because of his membership in satanic elite societies, his demonstrated lack of morals and empathy (hang em high W), the fact that he has massive closets of skeletons to be held over his head (witness the whitehouse gay prostitution ring the Hunter S. Thompson was writing about at the time of his non-sensical "suicide"), and the fact that this greedy vain little man wouldn't have a chance in hell of caring about anything but his self interest. And when you work for the elite, the path of your self interest is starkly clear.
The Ron Paul's and Ralph Nadars are side shows that are there to give the public the illusion that they have choices and that we have a functioning democracy. Of course neither could be further from the truth.
Hillary has been doing nothing but wooing the power elite since the beginning. If she cared about popular support she could come out against the war or even just offer more luke warm support than Bush which would still be fantastically bloodthirsty. In fact her rhetoric is more pro war than Bushes. And that's how she plans to get elected - by proving that she has the stomach to go against the public will and be counted on to use the might of the US government to carry out ever more atrocities against humanity holding profits to the war machine and allegence to the NWO as sacrosanct.
But have no fear, whether it's Hillary or someone else, whoever is elected president will be the most reliable candidate from the point of view of the elite one world government war machine shadow government. Personally I think Hillary is too smart and willful to be 100% reliable no matter how morally bankrupt she's proven herself to be. Ergo potentially wild hair prone. You heard it here first - Hillary won't make president. Someone else has to prove themselves the better human marshmellow more along the lines of W. And in that category, W is still without peer.