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Ron Paul compared to Natural Supplements
dquixote1217 Views: 2,700
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Ron Paul compared to Natural Supplements

Actually, I agree with you almost completely - all the way to the edge of the blinders in fact.

The reason we tend to write off Ron Paul is yet another sign of their control and brainwashing.  The more people who are convinced to do so, the more we play right into their hands of selecting one of two choices that are merely different faces of the same controlling elite that have stolen our elective process and much or our freedoms and are moving in for the kill.

My depiction of Ron Paul as a natural supplement was no accident.  Ron Paul is very much like a natural supplement for our ailing country - one that is not government approved and which is suppressed by the powers that be.  Just like they do with natural supplements that could save your life, they tell the big lie and suppress the truth about the man who could save our country.

Of course they tell the big lie, because if there is anything that is obvious about this campaign, it is that Ron Paul is NOT one of them.  Only Ron Paul advocates ALL of the following:
  • Bringing the troops home from an illegal and undeclared war
  • Restoring our country to a Federal Republic and constitutional form of government as it was founded.
  • Abolishing the illegal personal income tax*
  • Dismantling the Federal Reserve and returning our country's money and ability to print money to our country instead of a private group of elite bankers.
  • Preventing the creation of the North American Union and the move towards a New World Order
  • Increasing our access to vitamins, minerals and natural supplements and preventing FDA suppression.

Using misleading studies and polls and the media they control**, they tell us over and over again that Ron Paul is insignificant and ineffective.  How else do you explain that virtually all major polls show Paul with perhaps 4% of the vote and yet:

  • Ron Paul has elicited the best audience responses at every debate, despite the best efforts of the questioners to set him up for failure and ridicule.
  • Ron Paul has won or finished near the top of the call in votes after every debate and yet the next day's headlines totally ignore him?
  • Ron Paul has won more straw polls than any other Republican candidate and has won head to head contests with every candidate.***
  • Ron Paul is among the top fundraisers of all candidates despite accepting no large gifts and not being the recipient of corporate funds
  • Ron Paul is the leading recipient of funds from our troops.

Yes, Ron Paul looks a lot like a life saving supplement for the country to me.  And it looks like the great unwashed or by and large falling for the same kind of big lie with the result that our entire society will continue to be more and more controlled in a form of managed social illness and diminished quality of life.


Our governments were created to be servants of, by and for the people - NOT us becoming the servants of our government and told what we can and cannot do with our own bodies or what to think, say and do in virtually every are of what are supposed to be free lives
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


   * The federal income tax was never properly ratified and there is no law anywhere that mandates the payment of a tax on personal labor - or the collection of such a tax.
Today, six corporations control most of what you see on television and in the major newspapers and news magazines and what you hear on major radio stations.  One company has gobbled up more than 1,000 radio stations and since 1975, two-thirds of all independent newspapers have disappeared (


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