Hi K...
Webmaster's post was very eloquent and informing. What do you not understand about it?
If VWT do not wish to have people in their forum or wish for people to cross post in their forum, why would they wish to post in this forum? A good majority of the folks in this forum have been banned from VWT. They did not wish to have them in there, causing whatever it is VWT thought they caused...which apparently being a 'private' forum they are entitled to. Why then come here and cause (or for that matter, just voice their thoughts) havoc when they eliminated havoc (or whatever) in their forum?
Webmaster's decision set the record straight. It was a good one, for all involved, including VWT. (That is said with no malice.)
I have been banned, which really makes me no nevermind. I read what is useful in there and take what resonates with me. The rest, which is O/T that I do not find useful I do not bother with...there are some O/T that is useful. If I absolutely need assistance, there is this forum or Ask Curezone. V's banning did not hinder me, (again, said with no malice).
At any rate, hope this makes it clearer for you.
OH and love the new pic. You look as if you are doing great with the
Iodine and whatever else you are doing!