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Re: your naturopath need to go back to school
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Published: 20 y
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Re: your naturopath need to go back to school

Too much O3 CAN block O6, in that they compete for the same enzymes to become biologically active metabolites. Yes all essential fats effect hormones and a lot of other things too-ESPECIALLY the structure of the skin. Look up "UDO Urasmus", world renowned fatty acid expert, he actually had the same skin problem after consuming too much 03 (from flax) his skin got dry and thin, easily damaged. Do some of your own research and dont believe everything some "expert" tells you.

Yes most everyone gets enough 06, however if you consume a lot of fish, hydrogenated fats, packaged foods and/or salad dressings (full of canola and soybean oils which contains O3) you just might have a problem converting O6 to GLA because hydrogenated fats block and O3 competes for the same enzymes that convert O6 into the active fatty acid GLA.

And it should be noted that fatty acid conversion is compromised in those with diabetes and liver problems (and probably many other diseases). You could have enough O6 and not be able to convert it to the acive GLA, which would give you the same symptoms of O6 deficiency.

Take a quick fatty acid lesson here:

Not that
Biochemically: -

Omega-6-FA and Omega-3-FA types
-Are metabolised by the same enzyme systems:
-Are subject to competitive inhibition
-Enzyme systems do show a preference for the Omega-3-FAs

This is taught in first year biochemisty..dont know where your naturopath went to school.. maybe you should find a new one.



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