My skin was damaged by a skin peel combined with a harsh cleanser. It wouldnt heal, and I tried many many things for over three years. I discovered that I was deficient in omega 6 fatty acids/GLA. My solution was to stop any form of omega 3 fatty acids (they block O6), and take borage oil everyday. Oleic acid made things worse so I stopped eating any form of it too. Within four days my skin was healing and within a month back to normal. Now if I eat omega 3 or oleic acid it starts to act up again. Be cautious of the various foods/oils that have 03 in them like salad dressings, fried foods etc. Canola and Soybean oil are the worse. Also it is very important to avoid saturated and hydrogenated oils-most notably found in cookies, crackers, cakes, breads and almost anything found in a package or a can.
THe problem could also be a deficiency of O3 which would work the opposite-take o3 and avoid 06.