Re: Florida Student Tasered at John Kerry Event
it's a difficult prospect trying to be exact with numbers that MSM released, but somewhere around election 96' and 00', according to the "news" Peter Jennings was instructed to report, at that time it was roughly 26% of voting-eligible Americans got the government they voted for, 25% had to eat that particualr caca, and the rest....the other 49%, didn't vote. As a side argument, it could probably be fairly argued that the other 49%, at least indirectly, was required to eat the same caca as the losign 25 percenters.
A prevalent sentiment argued....promoted...turned into great fanfare, was the sentiment that nearly half of voting-eligible Americans not voting was reason for great concern throughout this land. In fact, some did promote that very agenda; the MSM. On the other hand, some might argue that nearly half of voting-eligible Americans not voting was a potential reason for joy; nearly half of voting-eligible Americans were smart enough to not waste theit time contributing to a thoroughly corrupt, compromised & rigged voting system. At least at that time, one of the biggest obstacles to realizing the joy was....the inertia... also known as the great sucking sound elicited by 51% of the populous, which is to say, that worn-out, totally-exploited populous drowning in their own misguided patriotism "who have a voice by way of their vote" (sic)......which is kinda like saying "in other news, Generalisima Francisco Franco is STILL dead"