Re: Florida Student Tasered at John Kerry Event
The more I research this incident, the more disturbing it becomes.
CNN did a story on this w/Anderson Cooper, and a female counterpart, and
they were both laughing.
People in the auditorium where the student was tasered were laughing ,too.
Is it funny to see someone in obvious pain?
Have Americans become so desensitized that things like this don't bother them?
Have the decades of violence portrayed via 'entertainment' venues deadened our
morals to the point that this type of abuse of American citizens is acceptable?
Searching back a couple of years has produced other similar incidents where tasers
and obvious abuse of power has taken place. Very sad....
Keep it up cops and 'law keepers''ll have a revolution on your hands quick enough.
We, the American taxpayers are buying the tickets for these kinds of shows and with the front row seats available through youtubes and the like, the public can see the true light by which our fellow citizens are being treated.
Aren't there 'real' terrorists out there to be had, or even yet ,a domestic violence call to make, or a rape , or robbery or hell, a car that is double parked,
anything that needs more attention than a loud guy asking legitate questions?
Security is one thing, but if the cops can't handle one loud, harmless American more diplomatically or with more maturity and compassion, then maybe they should find jobs elsewhere. It's like they love to create chaos out of nothing. Seen it
before many times.
Though , for the most part, the sheep like majority makes them think it's ok to torture and be abusive by just watching and wondering if they left the TV on at home.
To those sheep I say don't be surprised when another 'Kent State' comes around,
the power is going in that direction. Oh, but then our leaders would NEVER deliberatly kill an American,huh?
Nixon/Bush...all the same.
The subject story is getting squelched as we speak...just watch...they usually do...
Oh, let's turn on CNN and's O.J.