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Some Iodine Questions for the Experts(Trapper)
northlight1 Views: 1,735
Published: 18 y
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Some Iodine Questions for the Experts(Trapper)

Hello everyone I am new to the board and have a few questions. Let me first start by saying that I am a 23 year old male in good health. For quite a few years, I have had low body temps. Temp used to be in the low 96's! Now My temp is usually in the high 96's to low 97's upon rising. My hands and feet are always cold when the weather is cool, or when I'm in air conditioning. I also hardly never sweat. It practically takes me going into a sauna to get me to sweat. From what I have read, I assume that Iodine supplementation would be what I need? I have some Lugol's solution that is 6.25mg per drop, and I have started taking 2 drops in the morning and another 2 drops in the evening. Right away I noticed that I actually broke a little bit of a sweat when I worked out, but my morning temps are still in the high 96's to low 97's. I could swear that taking the Lugols one time actually lowered my temp and made me feel colder! Should I be dosing it more often? Also, I am taking the following supplements in order to support the Iodine therapy:

B-complex 50 x 1 cap.
200 mcg. methylselonocysteine morning and night= 400mcg day total
Zinc 30mg x 1 cap
800 i.u. vit. E
3,500 mg. magnesium ascorbate
10,000 iu vit A
2,000 iu vit d
600 mcg chromium
and some dessicated liver giving approximately 2mg naturtal heme iron

Is this too many supplements, or should I cut out a few? Either way, my main goal in to get my body temp up to 98.6! Or should it be 97.8-98.2 like the basal body temperature test says? I suspect that candida is a problem since I have a white coating on the tongue. But since I have started the Lugols at 2 drops 2x daily for a week, a good portion of the white on my tongue is gone. I appreciate any advise I can get. Thanks Shane

Oh yeah and one more thing, what is a cheap online source for Lugol's? Or to rephrase it, a cheap "quality source."


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