You posted, "I want to give black seed oil to my children of 8 and 6 years to grow faster they are very small." There is absolutely nothing - nothing - that is going to help your children to "grow faster" or grow taller, and adding unproven supplements to their diets could do one of three things: enhance their health; have no impact upon their health; or, create health issues. Their statures have been predetermined by their DNA information, and that cannot be altered. Instead of focusing on their stature, teach them how to be confident, enthusiastic, intelligent, physically active, and strong members of their communities. Proper nutrition, healthy physical activities and mental stimulation is what you do have the power to give them.
Best wishes to you.
Strict Aside: the original message was cross posted onto the ABUSE forum.
Yes. You can grow naturally, if you follow these 5 exercises regularly
5. The Super Cobra Pose
4. Wall Stretch
3. The Table Pose
2. The Hanging Exercise
1. The Bow Down Pose
Here is the link for how to do these 5 exercise and some other tips for how to grow taller
It is true that around 70% of height is based on genetics, but you can still implement some methods so that you can grow taller by inches :).
The two most important environmental factors for growing taller are: growth hormone and nutrition. Growth hormone controls your bodies growth, so by increasing these levels you can grow taller - it has been scientifically proven.
It is definitely worth increasing exercise and healthy food intake if you are keen to grow taller. Many people miss out on the extra inches due to the lack of discipline in good diet and exercise. The best time to capitalise on this is during the teen years, although resources like this argue that you can grow taller in adult years too.
This website is also very good for people that want to know how to be tall and learn about growing taller through scientific methods.
The general formulae for height increase is: (genetics+ natural growth hormone+ nutrition) - stress
There are many exercises that can help you add some inches to your height. Some are listed here. The key to growing taller appears to be a good fit and healthy lifestyle to stimulate the release of HGH in the body. This comes from food as well as exercise.
Hi Aniska
It is quite normal for people to grow taller through the right exercises and the correct diet. Correct exercise and diet csn help boost the HGH (hormones) which are responsible for giving people taler height.
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