No, but it does make some sense if lack of oxygen is the cuase for one's short stature, other than genetics that is.
What helped my son were three things. Increasing his zinc, adding digestive enzymes, and increasing his protein. When he started on the real enzymes, Betaine HCL and Pancreatic enzymes, he started growing and growing. He is now 6'1" at age 27. During his early years up until Jr. High School he was the shortest kid in his class (yes even shorter than the Asian girls). We had given him chewable enzymes but they didn't do much.
If you try this, let me add a few caveats. First one must balance the zinc and copper. For every 25 mg of chelated zinc then one should add about 2 mg of copper.
If one starts on the Betaine HCL, then it must be done very slowly. Start with a low dose of 100 or 200 mg with each meal and then work up over several weeks until one feels an "acid stomach". Drink a couple glasses of water to put out the "fire", then for the next meal go back to the last good dose. Keep in mind as you age the amount may have to increase. Twenty years ago I was taking 400 mg per meal and now 1200 at age 60 (almost).
Also make sure you are getting a lot of good green and colored veggies, organic meats & eggs, and water. A good diet for your metabolic type (www.mercola.com), a good stomach environment, and plenty of exercise in the sunshine (w/o sun blockers) and your body should maximize its potential.