If you were looking for useful information about health, you better look elsewhere because this is a total bullsh*t advertisement for an over price colloidal Silver product that is full of lies and deceiit.
First, click on the " All of my messages anywhere" at the bottom of the post.
You are looking at all the messages from this poster. The only reason he posted this time is to try to sell you over priced CS in a form that isn't as good as Ionic Silver.
Particle size isn't relevent. Read the facts.
Good advice, but.........
Watch this documentary about natural cancer cures.
Did I miss a link?
So the medical community has finally caught up with the quaint idea of using the body's own immune system to destroy the cancer, instead of destroying it (the immune system that is - not the cancer) with radiation & chemo. Well hallelujah, and welcome to the 21st C. guys. Guess it was about time you emerged from the dark ages of the medical malpractice you have now been practicing for the best part of a century.
Maybe there's hope for you yet, especially after all the time and effort you and your cronies put into persecuting all the altmed doctors who have been quietly curing their patients while you were poisoning yours. I just hope the epiphany wasn't so blinding that you have now lost your sight.
Apologies jaguar. I made the incorrect assumption that the 'news' was so Earth-shattering that everybody would have seen or read about it by now. For those who haven't, you can read about it here:
and here:
or actually see it in action here:
New Cancer Drug Illustrates Ineffectiveness of Mainstream Cancer Treatment
by Tony Isaacs
(The Truth About Cancer) Mainstream medicine and drug maker Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) are touting BMS’s new cancer drug Opdivo (nivolumab) as a “breakthrough” that offers the hope of longer life. A closer look reveals just how cruel and deceptive such claims are and how the new drug, rather than being a new breakthrough, is just one more example of mainstream medicine’s false promises and an indictment of the mainstream medicine’s failure in treating cancer. Read More:
See also:
"Dying cancer patients are being milked of every last dollar"
"Can You Believe an Oncologist When He Says You Need Chemotherapy?"
"Does Chemo & Radiation Actually Make Cancer More Malignant?"
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