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Cancer's Root Causes - Deficiency, Toxicity, and Stressors
HolisticWay Views: 886
Published: 9 y

Cancer's Root Causes - Deficiency, Toxicity, and Stressors

"Cancer's Root Causes" - an excerpt from the cancer report  "Cancer Truth, Prevention, & Natural Treatments" based on the latest research.

The free report is available for viewing or download on the cancer page.



 A correct understanding of the nature of ill health and disease is key to understanding its root causes. The entire approach and foundation of orthodox conventional medicine is based on Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory, a flawed concept. A disease condition is viewed by conventional mainstream medicine as an isolated event, confined to the area in which it manifests itself (like an ear infection, eye infection, gum infection, lung cancer, skin cancer, etc.). Under this theory, for unknown reasons, microbes or tumors indiscriminately grow in the patient and must be cut (surgery), burned (radiation), or poisoned (drugs) out of the body. In the orthodox model, the solution is sought through mechanical and chemical solutions. Seeking to understand WHY the infection or disease condition appeared in the first place, is not usually seriously explored. The quick fix with a prescription of drugs to smother the symptoms is the typical response. A contemporary of Pasteur, Antoine Beauchamp, had a different opinion as to why disease conditions took hold. Beauchamp felt that the environment or ecology of the blood played the critical role in deciding whether disease conditions would manifest or not. Alternative medicine explores the stressors (environmental, biological, chemical, psychological, and emotional) in a patient's life that cause a weakening of a particular energy field; which in turn allows the manifestation of a disease condition in a weakened area. In order to maintain a state of health, all energy systems within the body need to exist in a state of balance or equilibrium. Imbalance leads to conditions of discomfort (dis-ease) which eventually spirals into ill health if not corrected. The Chinese and Indians (Ayurvedic medicine) had worked all of this out thousands of years ago. Orthodox or Allopathic Medicine utilizes poisonous substances (drugs) in non-lethal dosages in order to suppress symptoms in an affected area. This approach neither addresses the cause of the disease condition, nor is it responsible for healing the patient. Rather, the use of drugs often will temporarily mask the outer manifestations of the malady, while at the same time, drive the disease deeper into the body, only to reappear at a later date, as a more serious, and chronic health threat. One of the many flaws of the orthodox approach is that it focuses on the disease condition itself, rather than the patient. The term wholistic (or holistic) sprang up to distinguish those physicians whose diagnostic approach considers all of the physical, emotional, and spiritual energies interacting with the patient.


In general, the main root causes of any disease, including cancer, are:


1) Major nutritional deficiencies, especially minerals, trace minerals, and hormones (DEFICIENCY)

2) Many toxins in the body: chemicals, heavy metals, etc. (TOXICITY)

3) Continuous high mental/emotional stress (INTERNAL STRESSORS)

4) Continuous exposure to electromagnetic or ionizing radiation (EXTERNAL STRESSORS)

Typically one or more of these causes overwhelm the body's own self-healing threshold, limit, and capacity thus leading to disease. The reason is all four of these factors: the nutritional mineral deficiency, acidic synthetic toxins, and the acidic stress hormones like cortisol produced due to internal and external stressors, ACIDIFY the body leading to a weakened immune system, inflammatory symptoms, and eventually disease. Too much acidity in the body is the underlying factor in many degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and others. The body needs to maintain an optimum acid-alkaline pH balance (potential of hydrogen pH: 0-14 range) that is slightly alkaline with a blood pH ~7.3. If this balance is disturbed, and the pH drops below neutral 7.0 thus becoming acidic, health problems will develop. We experience symptoms like low energy, weight gain, poor digestion, brain fog, skin problems, aches and pains, and a variety of symptoms. And if the body is too acidic or remains acidic for a long time, individual cells and then vital organs begin deteriorating and dying. Microorganisms like viruses and harmful bacteria that cause infectious diseases, and fungus that develops, thrive in this acidic environment only. They lead to chronic cellular inflammation, the root cause of many degenerative diseases. Restoring alkalinity to the body oxygenates it, strengthens the immune system, and destroys any harmful microorganisms and fungus, thus returning the body to its natural healthy condition.

There is much research showing the link between acidic pH and cancer. Cancer thrives in an acidic environment, and doesn't survive in a alkaline environment. According to Keiichi Morishita in his book 'Hidden Truth of Cancer', when your blood starts to become acidic, your body deposits acidic substances, usually toxins, into cells to allow the blood to remain slightly alkaline and maintain that natural balance. Alkaline water, including the water in cells, holds a lot of oxygen and acidic water holds very little oxygen. So the more acidic your cells are, the less oxygenated they will be. As the body dumps the acid toxins into the cells, it causes the cells to become toxic and acidic and decreases their oxygen levels. Eventually most of the acidic cells will die. However, some will evolve, and adapt to that environment, and survive by becoming abnormal cancerous cells. Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for the discovery that, unlike healthy cells in the human body, cancer cells do not "breathe" oxygen. Cancer cells are anaerobic, in other words, they function with no oxygen present. In his book, 'The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer', he states that cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen and that having a good level of oxygen in your blood and cells helps prevent cancer. Sang Whang, in his book 'Reverse Aging', points out that if the blood is too acidic, toxins will not be released from your cells into the blood. So your cells can't be detoxified. This buildup of toxins in your cells results in acidic, poorly oxygenated cells, which can turn cancerous. He explains: "In general, degenerative diseases are the result of acid waste buildups within us. When we are born, we have the highest alkaline mineral concentration and also the highest body pH. From that point on, the normal process of life is to gradually acidify. That is why these degenerative diseases do not occur when you are young. Reverse aging requires two separate steps: chemical and physical. The first step is to lower the acidity of the body (raise the blood pH or alkalize it) so that it can dispose of acidic wastes in the blood and cellular fluids safely and easily. The second step is to physically pull out old stored wastes in the blood stream so that they can be discharged from the body." In other words, before you can detoxify the body, you must alkalize it. All of the above acid generating, stressful cell condition root causes lead to lowered cellular oxygen levels and cancerous cells. Virtually everyone with cancer has low pH levels. This is because cancer is created, and thrives, in a body that has low pH levels, a body that is acidic. Also, cancer cells make your body even more acidic as they produce lactic acid. So if you have cancer, your pH levels are low and your body is too acidic. Low pH causes your body to store more toxins in cells, and reduces oxygen levels, both of which are fundamental to the development of cancer. And when cancer cells grow, they produce even more acid. When you take something to increase pH levels, your cells notice the difference and start to dump some of the toxins they are holding back into the bloodstream now that they have a chance to get rid of them. Toxins are acidic and the cells won't release them if the blood is too acidic. Because the cells are releasing some of their stored toxins, the blood pH levels drop again. This detoxification process takes time. There is a long history of reversing cancer simply by alkalizing the body. It is one of the basic strategies against cancer and for improving health in general. Alkalizing the body increases oxygen to the cells, decreases toxins, strengthens the immune system, thus nourishing and healing the body.

Unfortunately, our mineral-depleted soils and food supply, modern day stressful lifestyles, and our toxic environments ACIDIFY our bodies and lead to poor health and disease. With the introduction of modern industrial toxins in our everyday products and environment, exposure to environmental and electromagnetic EMF pollution, and the fast-paced busy high stress lifestyles, these harmful stressors can easily overwhelm our immune systems and lead to serious health problems.  Deficiency (nutritional), Toxicity (chemical and heavy metals), External (environmental) Stressors, and Internal Stressors (mental and emotional stress) acidify the body and lead to disease.

Thus, these root causes of disease acidify our body and lead to disease:

DEFICIENCY: Trace minerals are essential in illness healing and prevention and are in fact essential to virtually all of the body's important processes when it comes to utilizing vitamins, minerals and enzymes for good health. Two hundred years ago, the top layer of our soil contained up to 80 or more different minerals. Today, over-farming and the chemical destruction of soil micro-organisms has stripped soils of most bio-available minerals and nutrients, and even those remaining minerals are at levels that are only fractions of what were in the soil 100 years ago and continuing to decline. Man's body is designed to utilize at least 60 or more trace minerals on a daily basis, and did so for thousands of years by eating the plants that processed such minerals (and the animals that ate the plants). Quite simply, without minerals nothing else works as designed, and every mineral deficiency, whether major or trace minerals, results in the body compensating in one or more ways which are often unhealthy. Today's food supply and diet is often nutrient-deficient and contains harmful additives leading to poor nourishment and nutritional deficiencies. In addition to eating nutrient dense whole plant foods and superfoods, a return to sustainable organic farming and crop rotation practices that prevent soil depletion and destruction without the use of chemical fertilizers is vital.


TOXICITY: With over 100,000 new industrial chemicals introduced into our products and environment n the past century, we are constantly and daily exposed to many of these toxic chemicals. In the US today, for example, over 84,000 chemicals are approved for use yet unregulated, and many of them are untested, toxic, and can cross the blood brain barrier and the mother's placenta. There are tens of thousands of chemicals in our food, air, water, and in the everyday products we use. They are largely unregulated and few are adequately tested for safety. Heavy metals like mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and lead are also toxic and lead to health problems. These chemicals and heavy metals contribute to disease and are linked to conditions such as asthma, autism, ADHD, diabetes, cancers, infertility, cognitive disorders, obesity, reproductive disorders and birth defects. Reducing this chemical exposure and regular detoxication is vital.


EXTERNAL STRESSORS: In this modern age where we are surrounded by electrical devices, and as a multitude of hazardous wireless technologies are deployed in homes, schools and workplaces, government officials and industry representatives continue to insist on their safety despite growing evidence to the contrary. EMFs are a type of radiation emitted from everything electrical around us: power lines, transformers, electrical wiring, computers, TVs, lights, clocks, appliances, etc. and are especially dangerous in communication devices. The main health concern with electromagnetic radiation/frequency (EMR/EMF) emitted by WiFi, smart meters, cell phones, other wireless technologies is that EMR causes a breakdown in the communication between cells in the body, interrupting DNA repair and weakening tissue and organ function. Researchers have discovered that EMFs can suppress the pineal glands secretion of melatonin, a hormone which controls our wake/sleep cycle, moods and task performance. Melatonin also plays a critical cancer role, by increasing the phytotoxicity of the body's natural killer lymphocytes and thus immune system. As quiet and invisible sources of stress, EMR (also called EMFs) cause the body to produce adrenaline and cortisol stress hormones thus acidfying the body and suppressing the immune system. Dr. George Carlo, who oversaw a comprehensive research group study commissioned by the cell phone industry in the mid-1990s revealed how there were indeed serious health concerns with wireless technology, yet the industry sought to bury the results and discredit Carlo. Yet his research has since been upheld in a wealth of subsequent studies showing the harmful effects of EMF exposure to cell phones, cell phone towers, WiFi, smart meters, and other electrical and communication devices. In 2007 the Bio-Initiative Working Group, a worldwide body of scientists and public health experts, released a 650-page document with over 2000 studies linking EMF exposure to cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, DNA damage, immune system dysfunction, cellular damage and tissue reduction. In May 2011 the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer released a statement indicating that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields EMR are possibly carcinogenic to humans. In November 2012 the Board of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), a national organization of medical and osteopathic physicians, issued a formal position paper on the health effects of EMR exposure based on a literature review of the most recent research. The organization pointed to how government and industry arguments alleging the doubtful nature of the science on non-thermal effects of EMR were not defensible in light of the newest studies and concluded that genetic damage, reproductive defects, cancer, neurological degeneration and nervous system dysfunction, immune system dysfunction, cognitive effects, protein and peptide damage, kidney damage, and developmental effects have all been reported in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. It is therefore important to limit exposure to EMF radiation and use EMR protection in order to maintain a strong immune system.


INTERNAL STRESSORS: Research studies have been published in medical journals validating the cancer mind-body connection and the psycho-emotional roots of cancer. In recent decades a new medical specialty called “psychoneuroimmunology” (PNI) has sprung up with its own schools, organizations and journals. This field deals with "the study of the interactions between psychological factors, the central nervous system, and immune function as modulated by the neuro-endocrine system." Many PNI studies validate how emotional imbalances lead to the formation of cancerous tumors. Conventional cancer treatments given by oncologists interfere with the body's self-healing process and aggravate the emotional causes of cancer by promoting fear and disempowerment. One article in the European Journal of Cancer linked emotional stress with down-regulation of the immune system. It explored how depression could suppress killer T cell formation in the body, retard repair of damaged DNA and trigger aptosis (cell death). They concluded that "psychological or behavioral factors may influence the incidence or progression of cancer through psychosocial influences on immune function and other physiological pathways." According to German doctor Ryke Geerd Hamer, human beings are very susceptible to the creation of lesions in the brain and organs due to shock and trauma. These types of lesions create something like a short circuit in the brain that if unresolved can give birth to cancerous tumors. Dr. Hamer has been able to show the precise location and form of these lesions through CT scans of his patient's brains. In the scans they look like the concentric ripple pattern produced by dropping a pebble into a still pond. CT scans also showed that concentric circle lesions often also form in a related organ at the same time as they appear in the brain. This is generally the organ that develops cancer. This validates a physical basis for the mind-body connection. Another major part of Hamer's work concerns the healing phase of cancer. He has observed in thousands of patients that many of the most uncomfortable inflammatory symptoms, and the formation of many of the tumors showing up in scans, are actually part of the healing process. By managing these symptoms and helping patients transform their emotionally-based lesions through psychotherapy, Hamer achieved a very high success rate. Recent breakthroughs in psychoneuroimmunology suggest that the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems are all highly interrelated. When negative feelings are not expressed, they can contribute to physical illness over time. Even the conservative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 85 percent of all diseases have an emotional element. Trapped or repressed negative feelings, such as anger, increase a person’s level of the stress hormones like cortisol, which acidify the body and directly suppress the immune system. The health of our immune system is crucial in fighting cancer. How we see and relate to ourselves, others, the world around us, how we react to people and events around us, and how we feel and express our emotions are critical to our health and wellbeing.


The following chart illustrates the possible connections between organs and emotional issues:


Type of Cancer

Primary Emotional Issues
 according to Traditional Chinese Medicine - Hamer


Lack of full self-expression, disempowerment


Endless grief, issues with receiving and letting go


Pervasive fear, loss of self-worth


Separation conflicts, nurture issues


Too much negativity


Lack of emotional joy in life, relationship trauma or family conflicts


Repressed anger and frustration


Rigidity, inadaptable, conflict


Sexual conflict and abuse


Severe frustration


Too much or too little willpower, lack of self-worth


Out of touch with natural rhythms of life, feel violated, lack of integrity


These root causes of our diseases can be managed with plant based foods, healthy lifestyle habits that include proper rest, exercise, and stress control, minimal exposure to toxic chemicals and heavy metals (in our food, water, air, and products), as well as minimal exposure to the invisible, yet harmful, electromagnetic radiation (electro-smog) in our environment.


Best wishes to everyone,





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