There is a couple of techniques that address the shortcomings the copper roller has; skin thickening and tightening. Is not enough to increse hydration or the capability of the skin to hold water. With age the collagen of the skin degrades, it's a support tissue with a honeycomb structure that holds water and keeps the skin tight.
That's why the eyes get bags with age, when collagen degrades the fat that formerly was around the eyes evenly, loses its support and flows to the lower part forming the bags. That's the cause for wrinkles as well and two very effective techniques that the medicine has discovered to recover the degraded collagen are microdermabrasion and phonophoresis. The first stimulates the collagen production through making microinjuries to the skin, the healing regenerates that lost collagen improving the wrinkles. The phonophoresis also has this effect but it is used together with microdermabrasion as a way to increase the skin permeability and improve the healing rate of the skin, carrying vitamins and nutrients more effectively. For this purpose another technique called iontophoresis is used which increases skin permeability through electric microcurrents. A simple Google Scholar Paper Search will allow you to verify how effective these techniques are, most of all when researchers have combined microdermabrasion with phonophoresis.
Good news is that there are devices that allow people to use these techniques at home safely and easily. One good example is this article about an ultrasonic skin scrubber that cites several studies about phonophoresis and microdermabrasion that back the claims made about the product and explains how to apply this phonophoresis technique at home very clearly through videos and diagrams.
Physical symptoms:
Mental symptoms:
Additional info:
As a kid I was hyperactive and I had difficulties studying. I didn't eat well, I was skipping meals and ate very little. + I have a deviated septum and adenoiditis.
My main concern are my undereye circles and the mental symptoms, because they start to really affect me, but having other symptoms make me think I have some underlying problem.
Can you tell me what could be the problem looking at my symptoms?/What cand I do to relieve them?
Me too, I have tried several methods but they did not seem to work. However, I have tried the below 4 methods and it works wonders....
1. Soothe your eyes with something cold.
You've probably heard that placing cucumbers over your eyes will help reduce bags, but it s actually the cool temperature that soothes the area. Cucumbers happen to be the perfect shape, size and texture to treat under-eye bags, so go ahead and slice one up - just make sure it s been chilling in the refrigerator beforehand.
If you don t have a cucumber, wet a few teabags and chill them in the freezer or refrigerator before placing them over your eyes. Use a soothing tea, like chamomile or peppermint, so you get the benefits of aromatherapy at the same time.
2. Use teabags.
The tannin in the teabag can sometimes help ease down under-eye bags. Boil water and dunk two teabags into the hot water.
Bob it up and down until they are soaked through. Remove and allow to cool on a plate. If wished, cover face, nose, eyes, with paper towel or face washers. Lie down somewhere comfortable. Place one soaked teabag over each eye. Put your feet up, relax for a few minutes. After a little chilling out, remove the teabags. Hopefully, things will look a little less puffy when you check the mirror again.
3. Use a good eye cream
Thirdly, to get rid of eye bags, you can use eye cream which contains the ingredient called Argireline: A peptide that works quickly and effectively to diminish the visible signs of eye bags and aging within a few minutes.
Demo on how to use it:
This a a new product which was only launched recently. Pre-orders available.
4. Lastly, Put on some concealer.
In the short term, concealing under-eye bags and circles with a little makeup is the quickest and most effective solution. The right makeup can greatly reduce the appearance of bags and keep you looking fresh all day. Follow these steps to apply concealing makeup:
Choose a concealer that matches your skin tone. If your under-eye bags are dark, you could also go one shade lighter. Apply the concealer with your finger or a cotton ball. Make sure you dab it on lightly instead of rubbing it into your skin. The makeup will conceal your bags more effectively if it stays on the surface of your skin.
Follow the concealer with a brush of powder to help it set and stay in place all day. Use a matte powder (not one with shimmer) and a blush brush to apply a little powder under your eyes.
Apparently if your liver is really taxed trying to clear it with herbs or juicing can sometimes put even more stress on it. From what I have been researching the quickest/easiest way to detox your liver is through coffee enemas as recommended by the Gerson institute.
Here are some good videos on how to do them
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