Hi people,
I have been in anguish for the past 12 hours from I don't know which, oil pulling or a bad teeth (that I just fixed).
10 days ago, I had my #14 filled.
3 days ago, I had my #13 and #19 filled.
and right after the anesthetic left my body 3 days ago, I began oil pulling with coconut oil, two times daily, once when I wake up and another time before I go to sleep.
Initially the pain came the next morning 2 days ago. It's only hot/cold sensitivity and dull pain, it was bearable. I thought continuing oil pulling would alleviate the pain, so I continued.
1 day ago, it was similar pain, but less, I thought the healing is on its course, so I continued oil pulling as well.
Today was the worst! The pain was radiating from #14 and now my entire cheek feels painful. I stopped oil pulling after reading that it could be a healing reaction taking place and I should slow down. #14 is super sensitive to touch (not bite mind you).
I have gargled sea salt water to ease the pain now, but I'm really hoping that things get brighter soon. The pain was terrible, like a dying teeth, but the gum wasn't swollen or anything.
What are my options now?
Clove powder works for filled tooth too ?
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