I look at it this way-
our Maker has given everybody bits of the puzzle
and some of our puzzlebits get rotated and flipped /completely/ the wrong way (by the enemy of the Maker!)
I’ve done the...
I look at it this way-
our Maker has given everybody bits of the puzzle
and some of our puzzlebits get rotated and flipped /completely/ the wrong way (by the enemy of the Maker!)
I've done the conspiracy-theory, apocryphal book reading, assassination documentary, alternative-creation-theory circle.
It's certainly shifted my worldview and realm of thought so far out of analytical westernisim, that I find it hard to figure out where to start with someone when I want a good chatter! :V
Insanity in it's groundstate is a mind not connected to the sphere of conscious that the world calls 'the norm'. I've been out of 'the norm' often enough to consider insanity not an illness, but rather like a deafness...
... You end up deaf to the way the world around you communicates and thinks
--- and in turn become more silent
~~~ and then spend more time thinking
... than you actually do making sense.
Calling that state faulty
is to begin with, faulty
because the fault is with the folk who don't have a window in on your mind
and not you, persay-
The difficulty with a paradigm-shift in progress is...
... how much time it takes to sort the new information,
.... how much time it takes to breathe and recoup the body (reassertion of new neural pathways)
..... lastly, learning to recommunicate with a world that is still flat(tish).
See, paradigm shifts take you out of the circles that the people around you are swimming in
so you go from circular thinking,
to exploring the depths and heights of different seas of thought
And no one's yet followed you there
So how do you lead someone along the cross-current flows of information
when you want them to join you..?
Reading about Monomyth :: Very good on this subject..
Sounds to me like you're on the transformation-atonement part of the cycle (see the wikipedia article) :)
The Maker has gifted you from birth with unique and incredible spiritual gifts..
part of the experience of going for a little while on the deafness of insanity
is a chance to explore those gifts and the truths of spiritual life.
I started to swim away from traditional western theology nearly 10 years ago, so I have NO idea how to define where I'm at in that journey,
but I'll be honest, I had a good hard look at what Katt Kerr is saying on youtube, right up and down the spectrum with what I know from el - bible- o, and I've read the books of Enoch through and through, etc.
M'not tra-DICT-ional.
Cheers and enjoy,