My E.C was caused by a candida yeast overgrowth. I have come to realize I have actually had E.C for years, I am 24 years old now and only a couple months ago did it really start to effect me. Before a couple months ago all my lips got was dry and sometimes a white line I could just wipe off it didn’t sting nor tighten nor blister I really had no idea my dry lips were not normal. One day I woke up and my lips were on fire I thought I had a cold sore (never had one before) so I rushed to the walk-in for antibiotics however my lip still blistered remained inflamed and was crusting and I HAD NO IDEA WHY. I ended up at the hospital to be referred to a dermatologist that told me I had eczema of the lips. My doctor later officially diagnosed me with E.C. I really believe to cure E.C you need to understand the root of your issue. E.C varies from person to person, some allergies some lip trauma some candida yeast overgrowth to name a few. Once you understand your root that will allow you to gage your treatments towards that issue. With the help of a naturopath doctor I took matters into my own hands and I ditched all the topical creams I seen online and in forums to buy except my probiotic I was prescribed by my dermatologist to help with swelling on colder days (I also think weather plays a factor as well) because for me its not an external issue but an INTERNAL issue. I have aggressively changed my diet and I take probiotic pills B12 complex pills and omega 3 pills. Every couple weeks i go on a juice fast cleanse where I only consume juice made from raw fruits and veggies I usually do it on a Friday so I can do it over the weekend and not have to worry about it while I am at work on the weekdays. I learned about juicing from a movie I watched called sick fat and nearly dead after a coworker of mine told me one of her family members cured their psoriasis and sub dermatitis after switching to a plant based diet and juicing after watching the movie. I will tell you after watching the movie doing my own research and speaking to my doctor THIS MOVIE CHANGED MY LIFE. Not only has my skin overall improved a great deal I have not felt this much energy since high school I dont even wear make up anymore. AND my E.C has really calmed down. Understand your own personal trigger because all of us in here developed it from something, we were not born with E.C its an auto immune disease; auto immune diseases are usually caused by too much toxins in your body (mainly your liver) the better you know your body the more likely you will stop or at least greatly calm down the condition without living miserably. GOOD LUCK
by Barbara Minton (The Best Years in Life) What is it that the pharmaceutical industry is really saying when it asks for donations to find a cure for cancer? Apparently they want the public to assume much of the research and development costs of new cancer drugs. But if donors find themselves with the disease, a single cancer drug can cost as much as $320,000 a year, more than many people spend for a house. On top of that tremendous cost, cancer drugs have not been shown to prolong life appreciably, and they have a long list of debilitating side effects. The patient is “managed” for the rest of his or her days, and no matter how much money is donated, there is never a real cure, because that would put the cancer industry out of business. Meanwhile, the great natural healers have shown how cancer can be completely cured for very little money. One of these healers was Dr. Max Gerson MD. Read More.
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