Hi to all those want to be a positive thinker, you may come to my blog which I had been writing about all the positive thinking articles. I'm sure you will like it and able to help you to keep thinking positive.
My friends told me that it is very interesting. Maybe you can take a look at http://to-be-positive.blogspot.com/
Your Sincerely,
In 1979 the doctor who diagnosed me with pancreatitis told me that I had maybe 10 years left - I fooled him. I'm still alive. I'm also free of pancreatitis pain and other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, twinges, distended and tender abdomen etc).
People who have never had pancreatitis sell books. People who have had a loved one DIE from pancreatitis write and sell books. Books that are full of crap information. If the info was good chances are their loved one would still be alive. I'm alive. I had 3-4 years of really nasty hell before I learned what I know but I learned. I'm proof beating pancreatitis is not only possible but doable.
One of the most important aspects of beating pancreatitis is DIET. Knowing what NOT to eat is CRITICAL. If you want to heal your pancreas learn what to eat and what not to eat right here at this pancreatitis diet blog post
An extremely important step towards healing your pancreatitis damaged pancreas is learning how to create your own food diary. There IS a right way and a WRONG way. Learn the RIGHT way so that you may begin beating pancreatitis with diet
Once you have learned about beating pancreatitis with diet the next step is to learn about certain supplements that eliminate the inflammation but more importantly protect the pancreas and promote healing. This is my favorite supplement for beating pancreatitis and I use it daily together with MY diet.
Hi Tolle - I apologize! I haven't been here in awhile and I see your message is 7 months old. Hopefully you found my blog and found help there before now. I must admit I have never heard of a redundant duodenum so I looked it up. There isn't a lot of information. I did find one article abstract that voiced an opinion that there were possibly far more of these anomilies than have been thought and if doctors would inspect the whole duodenum instead of only the first couple inches they'd probably find more. Anyway ...
Like I said I didn't find a whole lot of info and certainly nothing that points to a concrete association with pancreatitis but anything is possible because the digestive tract is so entwined. I suppose it could certainly have something to do with an occurence of SOD in the case of being being constricted in some way and possibly blocking the SO. If that were the case then consumption of turmeric or curcumin which causes increased bile flow could cause bile to collect in the common bile duct and spill over into the pancreatic duct which inturn would likely cause acute pancreatitis. Just my opinion which may be way off base. Again ...
I apologize for this late and not to informed answer. I sure hope you find relief.
Some people claim that stress causes acute pancreatitis. Does it or doesn't it and will clonidine help? Learn more here: Clonidine and Pancreatitis: Does Clonidine Lessen Your Risk Of Acute Pancreatitis?
These videos were somewhat “eye opening” for me for one reason. It seems as though there really are some doctors out there who care about patients who have pancreatitis and realize that current diagnostic criteria and management of the condition may be lacking. watch the vids and make sure you invest some extra time reading my blog posts because you may find healing!
The pancreas inflammation, pancreas pain, nausea and vomiting that come with acute and chronic pancreatitis really sucks. I know what having pancreatitis is like. I also know how most people can begin beating pancreatitis as long as they have not been totally butchered by a surgeon. I guarantee nothing in regards to pancreas healing or beating pancreatitis but unlike your doctor who doesn't guarantee his or her work either I won't charge you a dime so don't leave without reading what I have to say because it may change your life.
In 1979 the doctor who diagnosed me with acute and chronic pancreatitis told me that I had maybe 10 years left - I fooled him. I'm still alive. I'm also free of pancreatitis pain and other symptoms (nausea, vomiting, twinges, distended and tender abdomen etc).
People who have never had pancreatitis sell books. People who have had a loved one DIE from pancreatitis write and sell books. Books that are full of crap information. If the info was good chances are their loved one would still be alive. I'm alive. I had 3-4 years of really nasty hell before I learned what I know but I learned. I'm proof beating pancreatitis is not only possible but doable and ...
I'm new at this so here goes. January of 2009 I had an Mirena IUD inserted. Yea...no more painful periods and no more birth control pills. I started noticing changes about one year later. Or so I thought. Weight gain (about 10-15 pounds), moody, acne, night sweats (I thought early menopause), numbness in my right arm and leg all the time, slight discharge with some odor, problems sleeping, nausea and the most awful pain in my lower right pelvic area. I'm 46 years old and thought I was falling apart with "old age". I'm very active and a pre-school teacher so down-time was not an option. Finally the pelvic pain became so severe that I went to my OB/Gyn. I have a cyst on my right ovary and my uterus is enlarged/swollen with the onset of endometriosis. Since I am done having children and do not want a period anymore...my doctor is doing a partial hysterectomy in a week. They do not seem to think it is due to Mirena but after reading all the blogs on this IUD I think it is to blame. I'll keep you posted on the after affects of my surgery. I'm hoping to be pain free in a few months. Any advice from readers would be appreciated.
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