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  • Scary business! Scary disease!   patientadvocate   5 y  382  C

    Scary business! Scary disease!

    Interesting Facts Regarding This Disease. The industry. The treatments.
  • Natural Therapies Warning/Cautions   patientadvocate   5 y  367  C

    Natural Therapies Warning/Cautions

    If you are embarking on a natural protocol it is important to understand how these therapies work.

    90% of the mechanisms that you employ whether its herbs, oils, citrates , dmso, ozone are pro oxidant.

    Since majority of cancers ferment glucose and do not exploit Kreb's cycle you can understand using high school biology.

    Fermentation does not happen under high partial pressure of oxygen and fermentation is how most cancers eat. Getting oxygen into cancer cells is a trick and heavy alkaline therapies do exactly that. So you must combine alkaline protocols with pro oxidant protocols.

    Think about are starving cancer cells...well, think! Do you die immediately if you are starving...NO!

    So if you discontinue pro oxdiant therapies and even alkaline therapies you are allowing hungry cancer cells to start eating again.

    How do you eat after you have been starving...Faster? More of the food you crave? Yes!

    Cancers do the same....they hoard glucose....and start eating again at 3x the rate at which they consumed glucose in the past...and this is why traditional medicine claims these therapies can make your cancers worse.

    I have seen this pattern over and over...tumor loads decrease, markers approach normal levels, signs of regression are seen...and this means that you can take a break? YOur therapies have been cumbersome and need a feel great.

    If you need a break from your therapies you need to pick your battles...make it days and not weeks.

    The other thing is that the first cancer cells to die are weaker, older, not genetically advanced so that your regression may involve more aggressive cells. Now would not be to time to let off these therapies.

    If you are not getting the response you had hoped for you must increase the dosing and layer in additional support.

    Bouncing from one therapy to another is poor strategy to do the impossible.

    The other important topic is managing the die off...every single die off resembles exacerbation...there is pain, there is toxicity, you feel worse, some spillage may occurr and your markers may seem to spike...this is why weekly tracking of lactic acid is important because that is what cancer eat...if your lactic acid is trending downward and then your markers follow...a sudden spike in symptoms and in markers can surely mean die off...check your uric acid and potassium if you think you are having a die off.

    Do not go off of your therapies if you have been tolerating them all along...drink extra chlorophyll to help detox....and get those markers checked. Drink an extra quart of water.

    High level die offs are characterized by fever, nasea, mood swings, and when going to the E.R. your doctor will think you have an infection....well, ask him to check for tumor die -off as well, die off can hurt your kidneys....can't afford to miss this but is often the case. Why? Most Dr's don't get to witness cancer die off like I have.

    If anyone reading this posting meets resistance from any doctors please contact us immediately and we can intervene and talk with your doctor...after all...licensed nurses are suppose to do this and know how to inform doctors of a concern.

    Someone with an M.D. after their name can have a little chat too if your doctor doesn't want to run a test.


    1)Always start with minimum dosing and titrate moderately with every subsequent dose.

    2) Never Mix: Blood Root orally with cesium chloride or heavy minerals

    3) Never mix: DMSO with an Acid, DMSO directly with ozone, (separate these therapies by at least 12 hours.

    4) Never Mix: silver with peroxide

    5) Never Mix: cesiuim chloride orally with bood root orally

    6) Use glutathione during die offs, and straight oxygen.

    Take Care



  • These People Helped Me Heal from Stage 4   for-real   5 y  230  C

    These People Helped Me Heal from Stage 4

    I am new to this forum, but used to read up on a few things years ago. I was diagnosed stage 4 terminal in 2015 with metastatic breast cancer. I am amazed how many people fail when trying to get well. I pretty much did fail as I went from a lump in my breast to stage 4 because I was trying this and that and had no direction. However, I found the right help and am in remission today. When you succeed it gives you a good idea of why people fail. Instead of being pulled in 20 different directions I went with a very logical approach to my disease using logical thinking practitioners.

    If you do not combine therapies and combine them correctly it will be hard to achieve good results using just oral home supplements. The best advice I can give is to not jump around from one therapy to another and 1 doctor to another but, instead implement a 4 pronged attack; 1. pro-oxidant, 2. Alkaline salts, 3. Immune stimulation, and 4. Hyperthermia enhancements. I went from stage 4 to in remission without surgery, chemo or radiation with their help.

    Of course, there is always a detox in there somewhere. After the detox a sound, aggressive, deliberate approach should be steadfastly applied. It gets scary along the way but if you follow what they say and you really want to live then you will get through it. I did it and I followed others that they helped. Amazing is what they are at what they do.

    The people who helped me and who I trusted my life with are at


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    Miracles do Happen!   patientadvocate   5 y  911  C

    Miracles do Happen!

    Cancer all down the spine! Metastatic Breast CA. Spread to the Liver. Spread To Both Lungs! Spread To Hip where the head of the hip bone was dark on the x ray. Pain? Terrible pain in the ribs. Crawling on the floor to get to the toilet. Unable to roll over in bed. Just had a baby now 1 y.o. last month. Begging to leave her own body.

    Today she is walking and not using wheelchair, walker, nor her walking sticks. Her electrical ablation of the spine was called off as x rays revealed healing bones. One breast has shrunk to half the size of her other breasts. Weight gain from 88lbs to 100 lbs.
    Now cooking in the Kitchen. Able to pick up baby. Hoping to start driving next month.

    This three month journey is like no other. Nurses at oncology center hugging, crying, laughing, and the two words being uttered by all oncology related staff are" "O.M.G. and WoW!" heheheh. Words they hardly ever get to say in joy.

    This lady... will be joining the group, she will be chiming in. She will be sharing her incredible journey. She will not write a book. She will not go public. She will share only within this Cancer Forum as i have asked of her. Keep your eyes and ears peeled this week. We will try to upload pictures, reports etc. My computer wont read my phone for some reason...grrr! Will figure that out.

    We even have pictures of her half-sized breast. (with clothes)

    I write this entry because way too many people get overwhelmed by natural do-gooders. I posted a video on YouTube how one lady went from stage IV to no evidence of disease. 90% of the comments were do-gooders. "

    Take cannibus, take baking soda, try Paw Paw, take this and take that."

    Say what? I just showed you a lady before and after. I gave you her name... and if you really cared about us cancer patients, you would not become one of the throngs who need to cure other people's cancer. The fact of the matter is most people are half right. That's not good enough! Not with cancer. One out of ten persons actually asked questions about the lady and about her protocols.

    Cancer patients are not peoples' personal guinea pigs. Try this and try that may make us feel better and less helpless about cancer sufferers, but when that patient spends money and avoids the proven paths, then ends up dying, the people who made those recommendations never get to hear about those deaths.

    The logical and humane position should be, don't recommend anything if you can't explain how it works and why it works. Many people simply repeat what they hear or see but few have personal experiences to draw from. The moderator of a Yahoo forum, the founder of that forum called "cancer cured" or something like that, he's dead! From what? His own cancer! Did he listen... No! He preached!

    By reading threads. EVERYTHING CURES CANCER! So, where are the miracles? Where are those people!

    Don't roll the dice! Understand cancer's basic metabolic process. Understand the consequences of failure. Understand that us cancer patients are trying not to feel scared. Believing in a person who is adamant about a cure, makes them feel less scared. But i have seen way too many failures of persons who listened to internet do-gooders. Self proclaimed experts have no licensures. No physiology classes.

    Please understand that most people using "cancer tutor" as their guide, fail... I know... they come to me after they have jumped from one therapy to the next. Filled their cabinets with bottles of supplements and herbs. They are distracted, they wont adhere to a logical protocol. They are afraid that this claim and that claim may be true, why aren't we using this herb and that herb? They can't see the biochemistry, they can't adhere to a rigid plan. Why? Becuase they want to try this and that because a faceless person on the internet said so. Those people generally fail. My heart cry's for them. If only they understood that these faceless people are half right.

    contact@toddmarley (email)

  • Truth About CBD's Like it or Not! Carboxylated Co...   patientadvocate   5 y  671  C

    Truth About CBD's Like it or Not! Carboxylated Compound!

    As a medical professional, as a researcher, as an advocate for cancer patients i must say the CBD phenom. has become so overwhelmingly frenzied with misstatements, poor quality products, dispensaries that are less than honest.

    Firstly, most people don't even know how or why CBD's have some efficacy against cancer. There is a lot of speculation that gets re stated over and over again until people buy in as factual.

    CBD's are in fact, fat soluble pro oxidants. Highly sought after compounds are fat soluble proxidants. Why ozonate oils? Carboxylated compounds exist in 90 percent of all natural anti cancer substances? Hello?

    CBD's are not organic most of the time, but can transport substances into cancer cells. Just think, this should have everyone leaning forward. Even prescription medications boast of carboxylic compounds. Dichloro acetate for example is a very simply carboxyl compound bound to chloride atom to enhance absorption. Acetate is another very inexpensive carboxylic as well as citrate. Remember the citric acid cycle?

    What is more special about CBD is that it is fat soluble and not water soluble. Fat soluble pro oxidants are very treasured in cancer. This is why people ozonate hemp, olive, coconut oils.

    Another benefit of CBD is when your cancer has a CBD or THC receptors. This ensures the uptake of CBD into the cancer cell but also makes for a targeting or transport molecule when the CBD is lipolized with other compounds like vitamin c, quercetin, pau de arco, silver, copper I, magnesium, calcium, bicarbonates, and other phenols.

    We institute an integrative approach to CBD's and feel very, very strongly about how it should be applied. It should be used as transport molecule in lymphoma, leukemia, breast cancer, uterine and cervical cancer. It is more active in non small cell lung cancers, and is helpful in adenocarcinoma. It can be used topically for melanoma but the process is long for topical usage taking three months to eradicate a lesion.

    Another downfall we see is that most CBD's are not organic. Almost all cannibus plants get mites. The use of anti mite spray is widespread. additives containing ammonium compounds are sometimes used. Therefore i only use organic CBD oils with certifications that are up to date.

    CBD's should not be used as single bullet and should be accompanied by other pro oxidants and heaviest of minerals. CBD doesn't raise cellular alkalinity very quickly. Everyone has had Rick Simpsons story retold one hundred times. However, many people try THC positive oils and end up not liking the effects. This then ruins any and all CBD applications that could benefit cancer patients.

    I know plenty of people who are dead in their graves today, and they were primarily focused on their cannibus!!!!!!

    So, in conclusion, high density oils should be used, organic oils should be used, CBD should be combined with any and all lipolized substances. CBD's should not be used as primary treatments. IV c is a must in all cancers, Alkaline salts most be consumed.

    I have witnessed complete regressions without the use of cannibus. Conversely, i use cannibus in all of my regressions. :)




  • Beating Cancer Was Easier Than i Thought!   patientadvocate   6 y  431  C

    Beating Cancer Was Easier Than i Thought!

    It's been so long since I have posted here. I have learned so much throughout the years. In spite of the suspicious demise of so many cancer researchers, naturopaths, and such I had to close down my website and pretty much lay low for awhile. I have to say in the last three years I have watched critically ill cancer patients, with one foot in the grave, rebound and regress their diseases to the point where I too was amazed and bewildered. The type of cancer is always relevant to your natural successes. Many people fail in the natural treatment endeavor because they fail to understand the biochemical mechanisms in treating this disease. Even when the mechanism is understood, they dose inadequately. I am amazed at the recoveries I have been witnessing and played a roll in. It is scary however, almost like putting a target on my head. Our success is dependent upon several factors. First the understanding of ionized minerals and colloidal minerals. Two the understanding of what oxygen therapies can do and cant do. Three increasing cancer uptake of therapeutic substances using a host of techniques like hyperthermia baths, DMSO, electromagnetic resonance, usage of receptor positive items in lipolization. For example... cancers love ionized metals like zinc, copper, (usually not ionized) silver, cesium, rubidium, and so forth. Also some cancers have cannabis receptors or folic acid receptors, so lipolizing your vitamin c with a receptor sensitive compound will help to target your therapies better. We have lipolized even chemotherapy drugs like 5 FU with estrogens, with magnetic iron oxide, with folic acid, so that the cancer absorbs most of the substances and not your bone marrow. Immune therapies are always helpful and we network with a doctor who performs dendritic cell vaccines. Adding to this is a regime of lipo polysaccharides, beta glucan, beta sitosterol, and health fats. My latest client was deathbed ready except for the fact she had just given birth six months prior. Had cancer everywhere and was in terrible pain. Today she is a walking miracle to me and I don't say that often. I am used to seeing regressions of most cancers. So, how do people get ahold of me when I am hiding? When I take down my own website? Personal referrals. Also, it must be pointed out that we use oxygen therapies daily and when a patient cant get ozone, they get peroxide. The last thing is to use an anti fermentation medicine and maybe even two. Naltrexone and DCA have been used together to drive peoples lactic acid to below normal!!!! I have secured a private, rural location where the water is from a pristine well and comes out of limestone cliffs, where the air is cleanest in the land. The property is secured by locked gate and the neighbors hate strangers. I have had such an up and down career with this process of helping others with cancer but feel very blessed just the same. Although the facility is small and can only accommodate one or two patients at a time, that is low key enough and small enough not to pose a threat to mainstream. In fact I am from mainstream medicine to begin with and see oncologists as useful as long as you keep a tight rope on them. For extremely advanced cancers sometimes two rounds of chemo with anti oxidants on board reduces side affects and improves response. We also need mainstream medicine for testing and labs as well. If you are tired of battling the information over load found on the internet it might not hurt you to contact my representative and consult with us for free. I have missed so many people here and it feels like coming home. Hi to Tony and Luella. The last thing I want to say, is that copper comes in binary form and rarely found ionized form due to rapid oxidation. I have found a patented copper supplement that is bound to dry fat and glycine to prevent such. It is in a salt form and enters white cells and all cells rapidly. So rapidly it is amazing to watch under microscope. Most of our DNA has copper telomeres and copper I plays a roll in the telomerase process. Again making it a perfect tagging molecule but this stuff repairs nerves, scar tissue, regrows hair for one reason, regrowth of blood vessels. If you wish to find out more information regarding complimentary and comprehensive approach, you can click on the information link herein. FINALLY, I AM SO HAPPY TO REPORT THAT WE ARE DONATING TO THE MODERATOR OF CUREZONE FOR ANY AND EVERY REFERRAL OFF THIS SITE. Sincerely B.P. T.M k.s.
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