yes, implants are not healthy because the body sees them as a foreign object and launches an immune response. you should try the valplast flipper or nesbit (depends on where the tooth is missing from, front or back). it is a partial of one tooth. yes, biologic dentists in the US are very expensive and that is why many go to tijuana mexico or other places in mexico. they don't have the overhead costs there that they do in the U.S.
We don't know these dentists below, so please go at your own risk.
are the drops calcium edta? i found some info here for you:
aside from the normal vitamins/minerals and nutrients that chelate mercury, for patients who want to know what else they can do, i recommend beyone chelation improved: and this: they are both good. i have listed on my site what chelates mercury and if people email me, i can send them what i took. it is good to introduce one item every 3 days to see how you do and it is best to take a plethora of chelators because some are binders (bind to the toxin and carry it out of the body) and some are mobilizers (bring the toxins out). it is important to take a multi-mineral 2 or 3 times a day, because the brain thinks mercury is a mineral and the brain doesn't want to release it unless there is an excess of minerals. most people make the mistake of trying to take one or two or three things to get mercury out. ususally, it doesn't work as well as taking a variety of chelators known to chelate mercury.
Yes, but let me re-do my files on them. I'll get back to you.
root canals are more toxic than mercury fillings.
In the previous discussion related to Dr. Morales & Torrie ... Myth: Hidden on Torrie' s Forum: Webmaster Thanks. I will be perfectly honest. Many people were happy with his work. Recently, I don't feel a lot of it is good. One or two people on the internet does not tell me that. Also, 5 agreeing or disagreeing with posts does not tell me that. Observing for 5 years tells me this exactly: Morales is not dedicated to biologic dentistry and in his own words he said that he is happy if 80% of his patients are happy. That is unacceptable to me. In my opinion, he doesn't give a damn and that is shown in his work. Hal Huggins said he used to be good and toward the end he was sloppy and didn't do a good job. No matter if Morales tries to lie to people like Torrie and others, he just does not do good work overall, nor is he interested in improving. Add This Forum To Your Favorites! Forum Stats:
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HI Torrie: Thanks for the answers and the link. Question. If my very front tooth has had a root canal, and now has a porcelin veneer on it, what will happen to it? I assume I loose the tooth tot...
Bio Cleanse Detox Kit
”I have recommended it to family and friends already and am sure...
Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses
yes, root canals must be pulled if one wants good health. we give you a temporary partial to wear for 2 to 3 months, then you can get a permanent bridge. we would do a Maryland bridge, in which we...
Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.
Hulda Clark Cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...
Are there any safe materials to use for veneers? Is it possible to use DiamondCrown for veneers?
Thanks in advance.
Are there any safe materials to use for veneers? Is it possible to use DiamondCrown for veneers?
Thanks in advance.
ill after removal
17 y
Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.
Hulda Clark Cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...
ill after removal
My husband has a mild fever, nausea, headache. At least his mouth is finally free from the toxic burden!
Are fever and illness symptoms of mercury removal? Is there anything he can do to help chelate mercury from his system? he said that he spitted lots of metal bits during the surgery and he must likely have ingested some.
tons of cilantro and vit C and 200-400 micrograms of selenium. lots of water. it could take a couple of weeks to right himself after such a dose.
tons of cilantro and vit C and 200-400 micrograms of selenium. lots of water. it could take a couple of weeks to right himself after such a dose.
Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.
Hulda Clark Cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...
Cilantro would be dangerous this early on. I’d use activated charcoal with the selenium. and wait it out and then start in with the Cutler Protocol using 12 mg of dmsa to start.
Cilantro would be dangerous this early on. I'd use activated charcoal with the selenium. and wait it out and then start in with the Cutler Protocol using 12 mg of dmsa to start.
17 y
I had this problem, too. My Dentist is Crazy, I think from all the mercury! I finally got a hold of Torrie and was relieved to learn some things. She answered questions for an hour, can’t get a ....
I hope that your husband is better.
This could be result of composite toxicity, not necessarily of amalgam ingestion.
Which composites did the dentist use?
It is important to under ....
I hope that your husband is better.
This could be result of composite toxicity, not necessarily of amalgam ingestion.
Which composites did the dentist use?
It is important to understand that almost all composite materials exibit off-gassing which can lead to symptoms that you have described. Multi amalgam removal can often trigger new allergic reactions. Also, be advised that some of the composites are proven carcinogenic materials.
I advise against multi amalgam replacements, which are often times advertised by so called biologic dentists which can cause patients more harm.
Dr. Morales discussion myths
17 y
† C †
Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.
Hulda Clark Cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...
Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.
Hulda Clark Cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...
Dr. Morales discussion myths
- Torrie was able to remove all negative messages from CureZone
- Torrie only had Moderator privileges on her own forum.
Before she got the Moderator privileges (few months ago) ... it was the job of moderators, including me, to remove any messages from her forum that she disagrees with. (As a forum owner, she had a right to request removal of any message that she disputes.)
- Webmaster , moderators and Torrie removed many negative messages from CureZone
- Torrie removed one message
- I removed one message from another forum (message posted by a person who has been repeatedly spamming CureZone, making the credibility of the poster extremely quetionable ).
All those message threads (that were hidden) are now visible (un-hidden).
To find messages about Dr. Morales (good, bad and ugly), use CureZone search engine:
If I remember well, there was one thread (negative and positive) about Dr. Morales ... but was possibly lost during the April 1st crash .. or it is one of those listed below ... I don't know for sure.
- Meesage that were hidden by Torrie are gone forever from her forum
- No moderator can erase a message from CureZone. Anything that a moderator can hide ... can be retrieved ... except messages lost durig April. 1st CureZone server crash.
This is what search engine revealed:
Negative Messages (never hidden): (Negative) (Negative) (Negative) (Negative) (Negative) (Negative) (Negative) (Negative) (Negative) (Negative about Torrie)
Positive Messages (never hidden): (Positive ) (Positive ) (Positive ) (Positive ) (Positive ) (Positive ) (Positive ) (Positive ) (Positive ) (Positive ) (Positive ) (/??Positive ?) (/??Positive ?) (/??Positive ?)
Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.
Hulda Clark Cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...
Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.
Hulda Clark Cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...
Why do we allow message editing on CureZone?
Why do we allow message editing on CureZone, when there are people who abuse this function ... usually in debates ...
There are far more people who benefit from this option, then those who abuse it.
Many years ago, that option was not available to users, only to moderators.
During that time, moderators received many requests for editing messages.
The requests were generally based on the next grounds:
- privacy concerns (a person revealed some information that he/she would like removed from the web)
- incorrect message (a person changed his/her mind about something ... would not like to keep info on the web ... )
- Copyright infringement (a person included Copyrighted material ... )
- verbal abuse (a person got angry .. used bad language ... wants to remove it ...)
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- links included in a message are not working
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- spelling errors
- etc.
That time, there were hundreds of people visiting CureZone ... and we had to enable that option out of our inability to handle all "Edit" requests.
Today .. there are 60,000 people visiting CureZone every single day, posting up to 1000 messages a busy day. It would take an army of moderators to handle all possible "Edit" requests.
It is much more easy to allow people to edit their own messages ...
To prevent message editing in debates ... you can always quote (copy/paste) the original message you are replying to.
That is why the original message is visible on the same page where you are posting a reply (to allow you to quote .. if needed).
Thank you, but this doesn’ t need to be explained.
Thank you, but this doesn' t need to be explained.
Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.
Hulda Clark Cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...
Re: Dr. Morales discussion myths
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