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Ask AHarleyGyrl
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By (AHarleyGyrl)

I became permanently and totally disabled in 1994. prior, I had managed three AS degrees in Criminal Justice and was thirty credits short of a BS in Corrections, studying to be a parole and probation officer. I had finally succumbed to family and friends' view of me and decided I really was lazy and had no direction, etc.... So, I went to college again. I routinely studied twenty hours a day, sometimes only getting ten hours sleep a week. This was necessary for me, as it took me much longer to study and do homework than everyone else, eventhough I was an "A" student. I knew there was something wrong with me, even told my professor; But, he didn't believe me and gave me a "B" because I turned my paper in a day late. When I had two MS-like exacerbations within three months, I took my school insurance and requested an MRI. (I had known since age nineteen that I had brain damage because of the first twenty minute attack I experienced, which caused me to lose vision, made my arm numb, took away my speech and comprehension, etc.... But, I didn't have insurance then and MRI technology had not been developed). I was diagnosed with MS and was told by my neurologist not to work or go to school and no stress.

I went on to acquire a myriad of other (diagnosed) diseases: Depression, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (with the Epstein Barr virus), Lhermitt's Syndrome, Degenerative Disc Disease (cervical), Cervical Spinal Stenosis, Mitral Valve Prolapse, and Hypo-Thyroidism. As these diseases developed, it was still not apparent to friends, family, and people that there was anything wrong with me at all. Eventhough I've suffered a lot with numbness and tingling, exacerbations, insomnia, exhaustion, etc..., I have always looked alright on the outside. this made life very difficult, all the while, not knowing that I was really dying from mercury (amalgam),nickel, and root canal poisoning. as a child, my mother and i did know something was wrong, as after my first fillings, I could not sleep at night and had to urinate constantly, sometimes all night. We did not make the association, though. I have also lived with systemic problems, such as: low blood pressure and low body temperature. I knew I was really messed up immunologically, but I couldn't figure out why, since none of my problems run in our family.

I had heard about the mercury a couple years ago, but didn't think it was the total cause of all my illness. I discussed it, though, at that time, with our apartment maintenance man. He and his wife had went to you a couple years prior and were extrememly impressed with your prices and work. I wish I had acted at this time, but I put my mercury info away, planning to read it later, big mistake! Still, it is amazing to me that I, someone who has been studying health and nutrition as a hobby since 1985 (with the release of Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw's book: Life Extension), had never heard of mercury amalgam poisoning.

A few months ago, I became so ill that I thought I had better start studying mercury poisoning as a last resort. I couldn't believe what I was reading! There was so much scientific evidence concerning amalgam poisoning, that I began compiling a file on my pc. This was extrememly difficult, as every disease and condition I had was described as being due to either amalgam, nickel, or root canal poisoning. I worked on the file for a week, many hrs a day, taking time out to cry extensively. I found a vast amount of scientific proof on the dangers of amalgams, but rarely did I find anything saying it was safe, seems the latter was all from the ADA and their associates and based on one very old, flawed study.

But, after discovering all this, I knew I didn't have the money to get it removed. I called my mother and told her I was going to commit suicide (as you and I both know, this is a common symptom of mercury poisoning), rather than treat one more disease (Hypo-Thyroidism) and wait for another to develop. A week and a half prior, i had finally found a doctor knowledgeable about mercury and nickel poisoning. He was trained in Poland (where nutrition must be studied before medicine). He told me that my next disease would be Diabetes and after that, Heart Disease. From the literature I've read, I knew that cancer and Alzheimer's follow. He also told me that if I got it all removed immediately, and orally chelated, I would most likely not have to take medication for Hypo-Thyroidism, and that I would see a vast improvement in my health. I knew that it was, in fact, an immediate situation. I was going to do one last thing, something my mother had been asking me to do for 2 yrs: get an estimate from you. I called her the next morning (after the suicide messege) and she told me she had some money and that I may be able to borrow the rest from my Grandpa and Grandma. I called you and you weren't going to get me in, as you were too busy. But, when I pleaded with you, telling you that I had to have an estimate so I could ask my Grandpa for a specific amount, you let me come in for the evaluation the next day. This really caught my attention. I thought "This guy is either about money or very compassionate."

The following are the changes that have taken place since the removal (within one day to one month): no longer coughing up mucous all day, hair stopped falling out, no dizziness, no longer bloated, no more vomiting and extreme nausea, skin is clearing up, much more energy. The change I like best though, is that I am metabolizing fat correctly for the fist time in my life. I don't even have to try and the fat is just dropping off me! I noticed this after three weeks. I eat a high fat diet, the Evolutionary (Caveman,paleolithic) diet, and it is still melting away. I have been fighting fat my whole life. I am starting to see muscle tone, always wondered why I never had any. I did bodybuilding for three years and still never looked muscular. A while back, I lost a dramactic amount of weight through depression and working out; Still, no muscle tone. Now, for the first time, I feel like I'm going to look as fit as I've been striving for all these years.

Torrie Crocker
McMinnville, OR
(Now, San Diego, CA)

If you would like to speak to me or need an appointment, feel free to call. If you get a recording, please leave your name and number. You can ask a few questions by phone:

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