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Use of HGH under medical supervision for HGH deficiency is safe and will have few side effects. The risk of side effects increase when HGH is taken in higher doses without any medical supervision.
The most common side effect of the excess use of HGH is acromegaly. This is a medical condition that begins with the overgrowth of facial bone and connective tissue, leading to a changed appearance due to protruding jaw and eyebrow bones. This condition also leads to an abnormal growth of the hands and feet with an increased growth of hair all over the body. Contrary to increasing your life, this condition will shorten life expectancy considerably.
Mentioned here are just some of the known side effects of the undue use of HGH.
-- Acromegaly (as described in detail above)
-- Premature death (in case of acromegaly)
-- Heart enlargement (due to prolonged use of HGH. Can't be reversed)
-- Low blood sugar with risk of going into a diabetic coma
-- Excessive hair growth all over the body
-- Excessive water retention
-- Liver damage
-- Thyroid damage
The side effects of steroids Will only come into play if they abused.
I disagree. That is like saying that if you take any OTHER pharmaceutical drugs as prescribed that there will be no side effects. Screwing with the hormonal system with substitute hormones is not a good idea. There is the risk of side effects and substituting the hormones can shut the body's production down with long term use. We see it all the time with people taking other hormone substitutes such as Synthroid and Prednisone.
Proper and sensible dosing and hygeine when Administering them is paramount. In addition the correct use of ancillary drugs greatly reduces any minor, unwanted side effects.
Reduces, not eliminates side effects. So at least we have now established that there are side effects. What one considers "minor" is up to interpretation. When we hear the drug companies talk about the side effects of their drugs on TV they always list the minor side effects making it sound like the drugs are relatively safe. Somehow the real dangerous side effects always seem to get left out. Kind of like the diabetes from human growth hormone and prostate issues from testosteone I mentioned earlier. And if these compounds were so safe in the first place why would one need ancillary drugs to reduce the risk of side effects. And being that ALL drugs carry side effects, what are the risks of these supportive drugs. Do you need more drugs to reduce the side effects of the ancillary drugs?
After all these Are hormones produced endogenously within the body anyway.
Yes, and often at levels lower than what is prescribed pharmaceutically. Even some over the counter health food store products have this problem. The average melatonin tablet is 3mg, which is thousands of times higher that what the body produces naturally. Furthermore, maybe there is a good reason for the body dropping its hormone levels with age. Again screwing with the hormones by substituting for them is not a good idea.
Unfortunately, mainstream media grossly exaggerate the dangers of these hormones which, in my opinion, Are less intrusive and dangerous than many over-the-counter or prescription drugs currently in circulation today.
You have your opinon, and I totally disagree with it. The media has not exagerated the effects. If anything they have hidden the real dangers as they have with many drugs. For example the alternative community was reporting the cancer dangers of Premarin for decades before the drug companies finally admitted to this danger and the media finally reported on it. In fact I can give you a long list of drugs that the media has only reported the minor side effects to.
I noticed this lump about two years ago, and I brushed it off. Each day I get more and more concerned, but of course the Internet makes everyone paranoid when it comes to being diseased. Every thing I search always leads to some form of cancer. So anyways this lump is small and round and whenever I touch it, it feels sore. The left side of my neck is always really tight which is how I found the lump while rubbing my neck to relax the muscle. I am only eighteen and I feel extremely fatigued all the time. I just feel as though I am dragging myself around. Someone please give me some sort of answer, being clueless makes me livid....seriously.
*~***Background Info***~*
I have Scoliosis, and I had it surgically corrected when I was Eleven years old. My upper spine is fused so that is immobile. My back is constantly popping and crackling. I mention this because my Gram says that maybe I have a pinched nerve it my neck.
Just trying to provide as much information as possible because Cancer is not something I would love to have....)^;
A lump can be a number of things. Cancer is unlikely though being that it has not grown significantly in two years and if it were a lymphoma you would have multiple swollen nodes throughout the body.
Some possibilities could be a blocked lymph node, a cyst, an underlying bone spur, muscle pushing through a tear, etc.
Scoliosis is actually very easy to fix if they had not already done the spinal fusion. All you can do now is support the bones, cartilage tendons and ligaments. The primary nutrient for this is silica, followed by vitamin C.
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