Posted Jan 23, 2025
by Martin Armstrong
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President Trump Signs Executive Order To Ban Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC). As I have been warning and appeared in the movie CBDC, the End of Money, that it would have been unconstitutional for the Federal Reserve to create a CBDC, and my sources had confirmed that the Fed would not make a CBDC. This is important that chalks one up for the people – retaining our freedom.
This means that there will be no digital dollar and the end of Kaus Schwab’s dream of you will own nothing and be happy. A CBDC was to be programmable where the government would decide what you could buy or sell.
Here is Christine Lagarde on digital currency. She states this object is to “control” everything you do. Europe is a Marxist Paradise. As of January 1st, passports are no longer important, they want everything digitally so they can track your every movement.
The Washington Post can’t seem to find a single executive order that was remotely positive. Bezos should shut down the Washington Post; it has become just a mouthpiece for Marxists and NECONS, and it seems to be constantly against the people. They no longer seem to care about reporting events fairly or unbiasedly.
It was Politico that ran that headline: 51 intelligence agents, or former intelligence agents, say that the Hunter Biden laptop was disinformation. It has come out that they KNEW the laptop was real and that it was NOT some Russian propaganda. They said the word came from up high to lie to the people.
These journalists are not protected by the First Amendment any more than someone yelling fire in a movie theater for fun, which leads to a stampede and people dying. They should be prosecuted for intentional election interference, for this is the ONLY way to clean up the Fake News. These people are destroying our country, taking us into World War III, and wiping out Western Civilization. It is time for the Trump Administration to start prosecuting these fake journalists.
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