The Third Question:
Question 3
Yes, because a Master is in touch with all the four layers of you. Your conscious layer is only one of the four layers. But that is possible only when you have surrendered and accepted him as your Master - not before that. If you are just a student, learning, then when you are in touch, the Master is in touch; when you are not in touch, he is also not in touch.
Has to be understood, this phenomenon... You have four minds: the supermind which is the possibility of the future, of which only seeds you carry - nothing has sprouted - only seeds, just the potentiality. Then the conscious mind - a very small fragment with which you reason, think, decide, argue, doubt, believe - this conscious mind is in touch with a Master to whom you have not surrendered. So whenever this is in touch, the Master is in touch. If this is not in touch, then the Master is not in touch. You are a student, and you have not taken the Master as a Master. You still think about him as a teacher.
Teacher and student exist in the conscious mind. Nothing can be done because you are not open; your all three doors are closed. Superconscious is just a seed; you cannot open its doors.
Subconscious is just below the conscious. That is possible if you love. If you are here with me only because of your reasoning, your conscious door is open. Whenever you open it, I am there. If you don't open it, I am outside; I cannot enter. Just below the conscious is the subconscious. If you are in love with me - not just a teacher and a student relationship but more intimate, a love-like phenomenon - then the subconscious door is open. Many times the conscious door will be closed by you. You will argue against me; you will be sometimes negative; sometimes you will be against me. But that doesn't matter. The unconscious door of love is open and I can always remain in touch with you.
But that too is not a perfect door because sometimes you can hate me. If you hate me, you have closed that door also. Love is there, but the opposite, hate, is also there - it is always with love. The second door will be more open than the first - because the first changes its moods as fast that you don't know... Any moment it goes on changing. Just one moment it was here, the next moment it is not there; it is a momentary phenomenon.
Love is a little longer. It also changes its moods, but its moods have longer periods. Sometimes you will hate me. In thirty days almost there will be eight days - one week and four days, you will hate me. But three weeks it is open. With the reason, a week is too long; it is an eternity. With the reason, one moment here, another moment against: for, against, it goes on. If the second door is open and you are in love with me, even if the door with reason is closed, I can remain in contact.
The third door is below subconscious: that is the unconscious. Reason opens the first door - if you feel convinced with me. Love opens the second door which is bigger than the first - if you are in love with me: not convinced, but in love - feeling an affinity, a harmony, an affection.
The third door opens by surrender, if you are initiated by me, if you have taken the jump into sannyas, if you have taken a jump and said to me, "Now - now you be my mind. Now you take the reins of me. Now you guide me and I will follow." Not that you will always be able to do it, but just the very gesture that you surrendered opens the third door.
The third door remains open. You may be against me rationally. It doesn't matter: I am in touch. You may hate me. It doesn't matter: I am in touch - because the third door always remains open. You have surrendered. And it is very difficult to close the third door - very, very difficult. It is difficult to open, it is difficult to close. It is difficult to open, but not as difficult as to close it. But that too can be closed because you have opened it. That too can be closed You can decide some day to take your surrender back. Or, you can go and surrender yourself to somebody else. But that never - almost never - happens, because with these three doors the Master is working to open the fourth door.
So there is very... almost impossible possibility that you will take your surrender back. Before you have taken it, he must have opened the fourth door which is beyond you. You cannot open it, you cannot close it. The door that you open, you remain the master to close it also. But the fourth has nothing to do with you. That is the superconscious. All these three doors are needed to open so the Master can forge a key for the fourth door, because you don't have the key, otherwise you yourself can open it. The Master has to forge; it is a forgery because the owner himself doesn't have the key.
The whole effort of a Master is to have enough time from these three doors to enter to the fourth and forge a key and open it. Once it is opened, you are no more. You cannot do anything now. You may close all the three doors - he has the key for the fourth and he is always in contact. Then even if you die, it doesn't matter. You go to the very end of the Earth, you go the Moon, does not make any difference; he has the key for the fourth. And, in fact, a real Master never keeps the key. He simply opens the fourth and throws the key in the ocean. So there is no possibility to steal it or do anything. Nothing can be done!.
I have forged a fourth-door key with many of you and have thrown it, so don't unnecessarily trouble yourself; it is futile, now nothing can be done. Once the fourth is opened, then there is no problem. All the problems exist before it, because at the very last moment the Master was getting ready the key because the key is difficult...
For millions of lives the door has remained closed; it has gathered all sorts of rust. It looks like a wall, not like a door. It is difficult to find where the lock is - and everybody has a separate lock, so there is no master key. One key won't help because everybody is as individual as your thumbprint. Nobody has that print anywhere - not in the past, never in the future. Your thumbprint will be simply yours, a single phenomenon. It never is repeated.
Your inner lock is also like your thumbprint - absolutely individual: no master key can help. That's why a Master is needed, because a master key cannot be purchased. Otherwise, once a key is made, everybody's door can be opened. No, everybody has a separate type of door, a separate type of lock - his own locking system - and you have to watch and find and forge a key, a special key for it.
Once your fourth door is open, then the Master is in constant touch with you. You may forget him completely: it makes no difference. You may not remember him: it makes no difference. The Master leaves the body: it makes no difference. Wherever he is, wherever you are, the door is open. And this door exists beyond time and Space. That's why it is the supermind: it is superconscious.
Yes, but only when the fourth door is opened. Otherwise, with the third door, he is more or less in contact. With the second door, half the time almost in contact. With the first door, only momentarily in contact.
So allow me to open your fourth door - and the fourth door is opened in a certain moment. That moment is when all your three doors are open. Even if a single door is closed, the fourth cannot be opened. It is a mathematical puzzle. And this condition is needed: your first, conscious door is open; your second door is open - your subconscious, your love - you have surrendered, you have taken a step into initiation, your third, unconscious door is open.
When all the three doors are open, when in a certain moment all the three doors are open, the fourth can be opened. So it happens that while you are awake, the fourth is difficult to open. While you are asleep, only then. So my real work is not in the day. It is in the night when you are fast asleep snoring, because then you don't create any trouble. You are so fast asleep, you don't reason against. You have forgotten about reasoning.
In deep sleep, your heart functions well. You are more loving than when you are awake, because when you are awake many fears surround you. And because of fear love is not possible. When you are fast asleep, fears disappear, love flowers. Love is a nightflower. You must have watched night queen - the flower that flowers in the night. Love is a night queen. It flowers in the night - because of you; there is no other reason. It can flower in the day, but then you have to change yourself. Tremendous change is needed before the love can flower in the day.
That's why you see that when people are intoxicated they are more loving. Go into any tavern where people have drunk too much: they are almost always loving. See two drunkards moving on the street hanging on each other's shoulder: so loving - as if one! They are asleep.
When you are not afraid, love flowers. Fear is the poison. And when deep down in sleep, you are already surrendered because sleep is a surrender. And if you have surrendered to a Master, he can enter into your sleep. You will not be even able to hear his footsteps. He can enter silently and work. It is a forgery, just like thieves enter in the night when you are asleep. A Master is a thief. When you are fast asleep and you don't know what is happening, he enters in you and opens the fourth.
Once the fourth is opened, then there is no problem. Every effort and every trouble that you can create, you can create only before the fourth is open. The fourth is a point of no return. Once the fourth is open, the Master can twenty-four hours be with you - there is no problem.
The last question:
Question 4
Desires are dreams: they are not realities. You cannot fulfill them and you cannot suppress them, because to fulfill a certain thing it needs to be real; to suppress a certain thing also needs to be real. Needs can be fulfilled and needs can be suppressed. Desires neither can be fulfilled nor can be suppressed. Try to understand this because this is very complex.
A desire is a dream. If you understand this, it disappears. No need to suppress it. What is the need to suppress a desire? You want to become very famous: this is a dream, a desire, because the body doesn't bother to be famous. In fact the body suffers very much when you become famous. You don't know how the body suffers when a person becomes famous. Then there is no peace. Then continuously you are bothered, troubled by others because you are so famous.
Somewhere Voltaire has written that "When I was not famous, I used to pray to God every night that 'Make me famous. I am nobody, so make me somebody.' And then I become famous. Then I started to pray, 'Enough is enough: now make me again a nobody' - because before I used to go on the streets of Paris and nobody will look at me and I felt so sad. Nobody would pay any attention to me - as if I didn't exist at all. I will move into the restaurants and come out; nobody, even the waiters will not pay attention to me."
What about kings? They didn't know that Voltaire existed. "Then I became famous," he writes. "Then it was difficult to move from the streets because people will gather. It was difficult to go anywhere. It was difficult to go in a restaurant and take food at rest. A crowd will gather."
A moment came when it was almost impossible for him to get out of the house because in those days there was a superstition in Paris, in France, that if you can get a piece of cloth from a very famous man and can make a locket out of it, it is a luck. So wherever he will go, he will come naked because people will tear his clothes - and they will harm his body also. When he used to come from some other town back to Paris, or will go, police was needed to bring him home.
So he used to pray that "I was wrong. You simply make me again a nobody, because I cannot go and watch the river. I cannot go out and see the sunrise, I cannot go to the hills, I cannot move. I have become a prisoner."
Those who are famous are always prisoners. Body doesn't need to be famous; body is so absolutely okay, it needs nothing like such nonsense things. It needs simple things - food; it needs water to drink; it needs a shelter when it is too hot, to come under: its needs are very, very simple. The world is mad because of desires, not because of needs. And people go mad. They go on cutting down their needs, and growing and increasing their desires. There are people who would like to drop one meal per day, but they cannot drop their newspaper, they cannot drop going to the cinema, they cannot drop smoking. They can drop food - needs can be dropped - desires cannot be. The mind has become a despot.
Body is always beautiful: remember it. This is one of the basic rules I give to you - a rule unconditionally true, absolutely true, categorically true: body is always beautiful, mind is ugly. It is not the body that has to be changed. There is nothing to change in it. It is the mind. And mind means desiring. The body needs, but body needs are real needs.
If you want to live, you need food. Fame is not needed to live, respect is not needed to be alive. You need not be a very great man or a very great painter - famous, known to the whole world. You need not be a Nobel Prize winner to live, because Nobel Prize doesn't fulfill any need in the body.
If you want to drop needs, you will have to suppress them - because they are real If you fast, you have to suppress hunger. Then there is suppression, and every suppression is wrong because suppression is a fight inside, and you are wanting to kill the body, and the body is your anchor, your ship which will lead you to the other shore. Body keeps the treasure, the seeds of divine within you, protected. Food is needed for that protection, water is needed, shelter is needed, comfort is needed - for the body, because the mind doesn't want any comfort.
Look at the modern furniture: it is not comfortable at all, but the mind says, "This is modern, and what are you doing sitting in an old chair? The world has changed and the modern furniture has come." The modern furniture is really weird. You feel uncomfortable in it; you cannot sit in it long. But it is modern The mind says modern must be there because how can you be out of date? Be up to date.
Modern dresses are uncomfortable, but they are modern, and the mind says that you have to be with the fashion. And man has done so many ugly things because of fashion. Body needs nothing: these are mind needs, and you cannot fulfill them - never, because they are unreal. Only unreality cannot be fulfilled. How can you fulfill an unreal need which is not there in fact? What is the need of fame? Just meditate on it. Close your eyes and look. Where it is needed in the body? How it will help if you are famous? Will you be more healthy if you are famous? Will you be more silent, peaceful, if you are famous? What you will gain out of it?
Always make the body the criterion. Whenever the mind says something, ask the body, "What do you say?" And if the body says foolish, drop it. And there is no suppression in it because it is an unreal thing. How can you suppress an unreal thing? In the morning, you get out of bed and you remember a dream. Have you to suppress it or you have to fulfill it? Because in the dream, you dreamed that you have become the emperor of the whole earth. Now what to do? Should you try? Otherwise the question arises, "if we don't try, then it is a suppression." But a dream is a dream. How can you suppress a dream? A dream disappears by itself. You have to be only aware. You have to only know that it is a dream. When a dream is a dream and known as such, it disappears.
Try to find out what is a desire and what is a need. Need is body oriented; desire has no orientation in the body. It has no roots. It is just a floating thought in the mind. And almost always your body needs come from your body and your mind needs come from others. Somebody purchases a beautiful car. Somebody else has purchased a beautiful car, an imported car, and now your mind need arises. How can you tolerate this?
Mulla Nasrudin was driving the car and I was sitting with him. The moment we entered the neighborhood - it was a very hot summer day - he immediately closed all the windows of the car. I said, "What are you doing?" He said, 'What do you mean? Should I let my neighborhood people know that I don't have an air-conditioned car?"
Perspiring, I also perspired with him. It was like an oven, hot, but how can you allow your neighbors to know that you don't have an air-conditioned car? This is a mind need. The body says, "Drop it. Are you mad?" It is perspiring. It is saying, "No" Listen to the body; don't listen to the mind. Mind's needs are created by others all around you; they are foolish, stupid, idiotic.
Body needs are beautiful, simple. Fulfill body needs; don't suppress them. If you suppress them, you will become more and more ill and diseased. Never bother about the mind needs; once you know that this is a mind need... and is there much difficulty to know? What is the difficulty? It is so simple to know that this is a mind need. Simply ask the body; inquire in the body; go find the root. Is there any root for it?
You will look foolish. All your kings and emperors are foolish. They are clowns: just see. Dressed with thousands of medals, they look foolish. What they are doing? And for this they have suffered long. To attain this, they have passed through so many miseries and still they are miserable. They have to be miserable. Mind is the door to hell, and the door is nothing but desire. Kill desires. You will not find any blood coming out of them because they are bloodless.
But kill a need and there will be bloodshed. Kill a need, and you will die in part. Kill a desire; you will not die. Rather, on the contrary, you will become freer. More freedom will come out of dropping desires. If you can become a man of need and no desires, you are already on the path and the heaven is not far off.
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