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Image Embedded Re: Once You Know This, Every PSYOP Becomes Obvious

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Original Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

turiya Views: 35
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Re: Once You Know This, Every PSYOP Becomes Obvious

Worried about psyops? Well, get use to them, cuz there are plenty out there. How to deal with them? Simply stop walking in your sleep.

Funny, just recently posted the following at this link: 

The Obstacles to Meditation


The Fourth Obstacle is Carelessness. Carelessness is part of it; exact translation will be, "Don't be a zombie: don't walk in hypnosis."

But you live in hypnosis not knowing it at all. The whole society is trying to hypnotize you for certain things, and that creates pramad: that creates a sleepiness in you. What is happening? You are not aware, otherwise you will be simply surprised what is happening. It is so familiar. That's why you don't become aware. You are being pulled by many manipulators, and their method of manipulating you is creating hypnosis in you.


For example, on every radio, on every TV screen, on every film, on every newspaper, magazine, they go on advertising for a certain thing - "Lux toilet soap". You think you are not affected, but every day you hear, "Lux toilet soap, Lux toilet soap, Lux toilet soap". It is a chanting. In the night, on the streets, neon lights say "lux toilet soap." And now they have found it out that if you flicker the light it is more impressive. If it goes on and off, then it is even more impressive because then you have to read it again: "Lux toilet soap". Then the light goes on, comes again, and you have to read it again: "Lux toilet soap".

You are chanting a mantra with each advertisement slogan. And each time it is going deeper in your subconscious. You think you are not bothered, you think you are not befooled by these people - all these beautiful naked women standing near 'Lux toilet soap' and saying, 'Why I am beautiful? Why my face is so beautiful? Because of 'Lux toilet soap'." You know that you are not, but you are affected. Suddenly, one day you go to the market, go to the shop, and you ask for a 'Lux toilet soap'. The shopkeeper asks, 'Which soap?" Then suddenly it bubbles up: "Lux toilet soap".

You are being hypnotized by the businessmen, political leaders, educationists, priests, because everybody has an investment in you if you are hypnotized. Then you can be used. The politicians go on saying that "This is your mother country, and if the mother country is in difficulty, go to the war; become a martyr."

What nonsense. The whole earth is your mother. Is earth divided into India, Pakistan, Germany, England, or is it one? But the politicians are continuously hammering your mind that only this part of the earth is your mother; you have to save it. Even if your life is lost, it is very good. And they go on: devotion to the country, nationalism, patriotism - all nonsense terms, but if they are hammered continuously, you become hypnotized. Then you can sacrifice yourself.


You are sacrificing your life in a hypnosis because of slogans. A flag, an ordinary piece of cloth, becomes so important through hypnosis. This is "our national flag" - millions can die for it. If there are beings on other planets and they look sometimes at the earth, they will think, "These people are simply mad." For a cloth - a piece of cloth - because you have insulted "our flag", and this cannot be tolerated...

Then religions go on preaching: you are a Christian, a Hindu, a Mohammedan, this and that, and they make you feel that you are a Christian, and then you are on a crusade: "Kill others who are not Christians. This is your duty. And they teach you such absurd things, but you still believe because they go on saying it. Adolf Hitler says in his autobiography, "Mein Kampf", that if you repeat a lie continuously it becomes a truth. And he knows. Nobody knows as well as he knows because he repeated himself and created the phenomenon.

Pramad means a state of hypnosis, manipulated, moving sleepily. Then carelessness is bound to come because you are not yourself. Then you do everything without any care. You move and stumble on. In relationship with things, with persons, you continuously are stumbling; you are not going anywhere, you are just like a drunkard. But everybody else is just like you, so you don't have the opportunity to feel that you are a drunkard.

Simply be careful. Be vigilant. Be aware.

How AUM will help you to be careful? It will drop hypnosis. In fact, if you simply chant AUM without meditating [like with TM - Transcendental Meditation], it will also become a hypnosis: that is the difference between the ordinary TM chanting of a mantra and Patanjali's way. Chant it and remain aware.

If you chant AUM and remain aware, this AUM and its chanting will become a dehypnotizing force. It will destroy all the hypnosis that exists around you, that has been created in you by the society and the manipulators, politicians. It will be a dehypnotization.

Once it was asked in America, somebody asked Vivekananda that "What is the difference between ordinary hypnosis and your chanting of AUM?" He said, "Chanting of AUM is a dehypnosis: it is moving in the reverse gear." The process seems to be the same, but the gear is reverse. And how it becomes reverse? If you are meditating also. Then, by and by, you become so silent and so aware, so careful, that nobody can hypnotize you. Now you are beyond the reach of priests and politicians - the prisoners. Now, for the first time, you are an individual, and then you become careful. Then you move with care, each step with care because millions are the pitfalls all around you.




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