It's probably fine in a cool dry place with other supplements. The only supplements I keep in the fridge are the fish oils and flax seed after grinding.
I stopped taking the charcoal a few days after I started Odor Cleanse. Didn't think I would need them and wanted to know if the extract worked by itself.
The fecal smell was gone months before I started Odor Cleanse because I had done the Cleanse Smart and Floressence Essiac.
Never had breath problem unless I didn't floss one day. My problem was strong body odour and it dissipated a little each week. Week 5 was a major turning point. I realized it was all gone. My room and my clothes smelled clean. No one was sniffing or holding their breath around me anymore.
But I do notice that I really still need 525mg per meal. I have experimented as you know with 6 capsules after lunch instead of 7. Now I think I need the 7 and am sticking to it. It's just a minor smell of food that I notice coming through my pores, maybe not offensive. 525mg takes care of it. 450mg does not.
If your breath is improving that's fantastic. It is starting to work. Don't give up. It's just going to take time. Take magnesium or something herbal to keep the bowels emptying each day. And Garden of Life Omega Zyme really helps the scrape the old feces off the lining of the gut. It will take several weeks for the mushroom extract to get at this stuff so any help moving it out is going to help.
The smell was really bad during the Cleanse Smart 30 day kit. It got better in the 3rd week. I think it helped the liver produce more bile and got rid of a lot of old fecal matter. I was much more regular after that cleanse and fecal odour was gone. Digestive odours remained though and armpit/foot odour. It was a few years later (this summer) that I found the mushroom extract.
I think Champex will work with or without a cleanse, just will take a lot longer without doing a cleanse first. See no reason why you can't do a cleanse at the same time. Most formulas are gentle enough that you can take supplements at same time and Champex is just a supplement, right? Do what seems best for you though.
Still working for me.
There is a big misconception about mushrooms being bad for yeast infections because they are a fungus. Good bacteria-bad bacteria. Good fungus and bad fungus. Mushrooms are a friendly fungus that won't cause an increase in yeast growth. This is my opinion based on personal observation. Mushrooms are powerful antioxidants and boost the immune system. 70% of the immune system is in the intestines. Studies on the site state how the mushroom extract boosts the population of bifidus, and decreases the population of h.pylori and c.difficile. Therefore I contend that yeast cannot thrive in these friendly bacteria conditions. Do take a probiotic as well, though. And try the vaginal capsules called Femina Flora by New Roots. They are great.
I still take 7 caps per meal, unless it's a small amount of food like a small lunch. Then I take 6 after that meal. 7 caps of Odor Cleanse = 525mg because they are low-dose 75mg caps. Champex caps are 250mg each. Pro M is 500mg caps.
I think I've been on it for 8 weeks now, lost count. Was able to reduce dose to 6 per meal this week, but am still taking 7 after my supper since it's a big meal and a lot of detoxifying for my liver so I give it the help it needs with 7 caps.
I am conscious of drinking more fluids too because mushrooms have fiber in them and I wouldn't want to get constipated; however, I only take a few sips of water with my supplements and Od. Cleanse. Then about 30 min. later I have more liquid. It's not good to dilute stomach acid during a meal -- this will impede digestion, so just the minimum of water to swallow caps. Later after 30 min. to an hour, you can gulp a good glass full.
I just did a search for Pro M Internal Deodorizer on yahoo and found it on sale at for $18.20 per bottle. I didn't even know they carried it. I will edit the supplier link and add it.