I have'nt got a clue what you mean by "clinical" and "professionals" and operating from text books only. You seem to have some hang-ups about what you perceive to be authority figures, and no doubt you have placed me in such a position. The problem is yours not mine.
I am simply a person that has suffered from
Depression and mental illness for most of my early part of my life (until 37 years I am now 80). Have been the victim of psychiatrists and their drugs, then studied psychology, which did not give me the answers I was looking for. Then I discovered the wonderful world of Nutritional Biochemistry and voila I was able to cure myself of this dreadful disease. I then became a psychotherapist for about 26 years in the Corrective Services Department (prison department) and applied my experiences, skills and knowledge to help other people who like me had fallen victim to the system as I had once.
The majority of prisoners languishing in jails are mentally ill (about 80 % of them) and out of sight from the public. There are very few people in the helping profession - people you hate so much - that believe in "rehabilitation" or "treatment", and those, who do and make money out of it, usually have no clue as to causes of mood disorders.
There are many studies to show that conventional treatment of mood disorders centering around drug and/or psychotherapy fails in the majority of cases. About 60 percent of patients are left with "treatment resistant depression" and their bodies poisoned by drugs. See:
Insel, TR (2006),Beyond Efficacy: The STAR*D Trial, Am J Psychiatry 163:5-7, January 2006
My approach has been to look at the biochemical underpinnings of mood disorders most of which can be medically diagnosed by friendly "alternative" doctors or "nutritional doctors".
The belief in the "superiority of the mind over the body" is now bordering on religion among so-called professional therapists who should know better. Mental illness is not ALL IN THE MIND! When the body is sick it will produce a sick mind.
People appear to have problems accepting that MOST emotional disorders have a underlying metabolic disorder, interfering with neurotransmitters in the brain and causing people to have abnormal "psychological experiences". Drugs won't help, because they merely mask the symptoms of the illness, allowing the underlying disease to fester on under the guise of drugs.The symptoms of the biochemical disorders are mostly mistaken for causes, and so they have placed the cart before the horse. In fact psychoanalysis and ruminating about the past or analyzing the "subconscious" mind, can be very counterproductive and is absolutely of no use.
I am simply passing on my knowledge and skills to victims of the disease at no cost whatsoever. It is all self-help!!! It requires patients to educate themselves out of
Depression by reading and studying. You cannot rely on psychiatrists and psychotherapists. You have to take responsibility for your own treatment.
I do not deny the importance of "psychological aspects" of mood disorders, but my motto is BIOCHEMISTRY BEFORE PSYCHOLOGY. I generally reject the idea that in order to heal we need to have an understanding of our childhood experiences on adult thinking. Change in one's personality can take place in the here-and-now regardless of a person's history. I did not need to have a "social history" of clients in order to help them. You may need a some knowledge of the "Scientific Method".
Scientific Method from Wikipedia
For an outline of my psychotherapeutic approach please read:
Principles of Psychonutritional Therapy at:
Assumptions in Psychotherapy at:
If you can accept these principles and assumptions I may be of assistance, if not, then choose another therapist more to your liking.
I will accept that there will always be some people who will not or cannot agree with me, but I am used to that. It is simply of matter of "Scientific Method"
Jurriaan Plesman BA (Psych) Post Grad Dip Clin Nutr
Editor of
The Hypoglycemic Health Association of Australia.
Author of "Getting off the Hook"
Freely available at Google Book Search