While you're reading the labels and eliminating artificial colors from your grocery cart per Job #1, keep your eye on the oils and fats.
Reject anything containing "canola" oil. Canola is Canadian Rapeseed oil. A.K.A. "oilseed rape". It was used for a century as a machine lubricant, but was considered poisonous for its erucic acid content. Erucic is a cumulative neurotoxin. Got it ? Oh, but the authorities have set limits on the erucic content of "canola", right V ? Yep. But, if it's a cumulative neurotoxin, a lower level only prolongs the effects. Spray rape on your garden to keep pests away, but don't eat insecticides I always say.
Next, reject polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Soybean oil is out. This means you can't eat 50% of what is sold in the stores. The choice is yours. Corn oil is the same. Look at the cap of the corn oil bottle in your cupboard. After time, it becomes gunked with residue, which is the product of oxygen in the air reacting with the double bonds in the oil to form a VARNISH. This is analogous to the varnish finish on furniture produced by tung oil and linseed oil. Did you know that linseed is FLAX ? What do y ou think happens in the oxygen-rich environment of the blood ? Yep, these oils form varnishes in the body. It is done by a free-radical mechanism which is damaging to arteries. Why do you think heart disease has skyrocketed since the introduction of "polyunsaturated" oils into the food supply since WW2 ?????? Got it ?? Flax is so reactive to oxygen that it is always shipped cold to prevent autopolymerization.
Partially hydrogenated oils are unacceptable to me. During hydrogenation, trans isomers are formed which are frankenmolecules. I don't need this crap, in addition to the artificial colors, etc.
I only ingest BUTTER and COCONUT OIL. These are SATURATED FATS. Supposedly, they are BAD for you, but guess what, my blood pressure is 110/70 last week at age 47 and LDL cholesterol is in the 120 range.
You're going to have a helluva time eliminating the artificial oils because they're everywhere. But they weren't in my grandpappy's diet and I refuse to eat them. The only reason they are in food is becasue they are cheaper to produce than their healthier counterparts. And every restaurant uses the cheap oils in cooking everything, with few exceptions. Want to go out for dinner ? Kentucky Fried ? Corn tortillas ? Veal Parmesiana fried in cheap oil ?
Butter, coconut oil. Sometimes a little olive oil on the salad, and sometimes a little sunflower oil in potato chips when I feel I've earned it from eating healthy otherwise. But all that polyunsaturated crap, and the soybean oil, and the partially-hydrogenated oils have been out of my system for years. My grocery store choices are limited, but so freaking what. I ain't here to poison myself just for the moment of chomping what seems to be good tasting. Oh, I eat lots of sardines shipped in olive oil. Beats the crap out of the ones in soybean oil.
Oils are soooooo important to health. Bad oils are soooooo bad. Why eat bad oils ? Elliminate them.
Having babies ? My next child will not eat this garbage and will not be vaccinated.
For more info, get the book "Know Your Fats" by Mary Enig, PhD.