....Yes, I just need to know what are her current medications, if any. and if she has any other health problems.
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I understand your feelings of desperation, I am currently working with someone who also has an autoimmune disorder and has been under the Dr.'s care for quite a few years and is now receiving alternative treatment. I am sorry I can't give alot of info at this moment, as I am leaving shortly. I should be back on my computer later this evening though.
A couple of quick things I'll leave you with.
1st. There is a great opportunity to completely reverse her condition
2nd. The root of all auto immune diseases is the same. The body is attacking self. Where it shows up in the body will determine the name it is given. eg. Joints-Arthritis, Thyroid-Hyper/Hypo Thyroidisim, pancreas-Diabetes, and so on...
3rd pallitive care can be nessesary however, we believe it should be either temporary or Treatment of last resort.
4th. currative care looks at the cause of the symptoms and if you treat the cause you eliminate the symptom rather that mask it over with drugs. Masking over with drugs (pallitive care) is sometimes nessesary however you are still left with the original problem.
5th If your sister is beyond my scope of practice (I would need more info to determine this)I know were to referr her too.
6. There is definate hope for her dispite what you may have been told.
sorry. I have to go, but will be back in a few hrs.
Take care
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...Ok, we can begin with the first line of attack to halt the progression. let me know of any new information regarding her symptoms and additional treatments as we progress.
Also, to let you know I am not a MD or NMD however, I am a CNC working under the care of a MD PhD NMD and will be presenting this case to him. As I mentioned in my other post... If at any point I feel this is beyond my scope of practice I will then make a referral.
A little back ground on autoimmune disorders....
Excerpt from Dr Gant's article... Healing the Gastro-Intestinal Tract: Using the Four “R’s”by Charles Gant, MD, Ph.D.60 to 80% of immune system activitiy in humans focuses on the GI Tract, so it is plain that any health problem involving the immune system must fundamentally be addressed at the gut level. This means that diseases as diverse as cancer, lupus, arthritis, ADD/ADHD, HIV/AIDS, CFIDS or low resistance to infection all have a common root cause and pathway of healing.
Autoimmune "disease" is nothing more than a healthy immune system with a bad attitude.
The “friendly fire” analogy also explains autoimmune disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and so on. With 80% of the immune system’s activity focused on the GI tract, once it has been thoroughly challenged with allergic food proteins and toxins from unhealthy flora, the immune system goes on a rampage everywhere in the body. Proinflammatory substances (cytokines,thromboxanes, leukotrienes, and so on) are circulated everywhere, and the immune system takes a “shoot first, ask questions later”attitude. Any tissue in the body that looks the least bit suspicious can get hit with “friendly fire.” Thus all 300-plus autoimmune disorders are really the same problem, just symptomatically different. Restoring the GI tract allows the immune system to stand down from “red alert.” Autoimmune “disease” is nothing more than a perfectly healthy immunesystem with a bad attitude. Like an anti-social kid, the last thing the immune system needs is more punishment with toxins—it needs nurturing and support by removing the abuse that makes it so aggressive.
We will begin with the 4 R'S
“The Four R’s”
• Remove offending organisms that
damage our “roots”—fungus, unhealthy
bacteria, and parasites
• Reinnoculate the GI tract with healthy
flora to assist our “roots” in extracting
nutrients and protecting us from toxins in
our “soil”
• Repair the “roots” themselves, the cells lining the GI tract (enterocytes), with specific nutrients these cells need
• Restore a healthy, non-toxic environment and improve the detoxification process.
People with autoimmune disorders should proceed cautiously, since even a little extra challenge from the toxins to one’s immune system can cause a “flare-up” of symptoms.
While we work at healing the GI Tract it would be helpfull if your sister would have access to a Colon HydroTherapist. This would eaz the die-off symptoms and help her immune system not to over respond. Can you you check into this and let me know this will help to determine how will procede.
Talk to you soon
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a couple of more questions....
Has your sister ever had Gonorrhea, Chlamydia or any other type of venereal infection?
can you provide info on bowel habits... eg.does she have say... three meals a day and three BM/day. Constipation or alternate between constipation/ Diarrhea etc.
When toxins escape through the intestinal wall (Leaky-Gut Syndrome) and are deposited elsewhere, this puts the immune system on red alert and depending were these toxins are deposited (ovaries) is where the immune system is going to attack.
We can look at alternative treatment for hormone replacement but for now we will concentrate on getting the immune system under controle.
Bye for now
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......glad you found the info useful and yes, absolutley pass the info on to your sister and I will corrospond with her through email. After she has provided me with some of the info I requested in the other post we then can proceede with a treatment plan.
Take care
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