I understand that death threat to be real (it has happened here in America by PARENTS of muslim children).
What kind of PARENTS would do such a thing to their children?...not the kind that should be respected AT ALL. Sorry to break your heart.
I understand that your parents are (or WANT) to be good to you and deep down inside they are good people (God bless you for recognizing the goodness of your parents), you have a wonderful heart full of love, but, in growing up, many, many children in the world must finally realize that their parents are terribly set in their own ways and will (definitely) do bad and even murderous things because they believe they are right. The death threat is VERY, VERY real and you should take it VERY, VERY seriously.
I come from a dysfunctional family and have suffered 51 years of suicidal
Depression because of it. In childhood, my mind was a wreck from having to deal with a dysfunctional family and I never really recovered as an adult because I stayed living close to my family (80 miles) and never really freed myself of them. Two years ago, I became the last living member of my family and I recovered from being depressed (somewhat). But now I'm 53 and my life is gone (never married or got a college education, suicidal and depressed all my life).
In order to have any kind of normal life, you are going to have to "withdraw" (separate from them as much as possible to imagine) yourself (to a safe place, FOREVER, meaning never let them know where you are, and never see them again) from your parents regardless of what you want to do. Of course it will break your heart (more than has already happened) BECAUSE YOU HAVE LOVE IN YOUR HEART (regardless of what your parents think of as love).
I think that you and your Catholic boyfriend are going to have to escape to safety (parents have no legal hold on you after 21 or 18? I think 18, does anyone know?).
In the Christian bible, we are told that we must "Honor our mother and father". For so long, I felt that I was a "bad Christian" because, in my heart, I just could not find any real reason to think "good" of my parents.
But it doesn't mean that we have to honor them with GOOD honor, it means that we have to give them the respect (recognition) that they should have (DESERVE) instead of just ignore them. If they were criminals, I could only respect my parents by reporting them to the police (prison), but if I gave them "good honor" for being a criminal (if they were a murderer, etcetera), I would be inhumane (I would be committing a crime against humanity for sanctioning their crime), so I honor my parents with "bad" honor (actually, since they died, I have learned to love them very much and make excuses to God for what they failed to do right (just like you make excuses for your parents, only it took me much longer), of course this is because I have love in my heart also, but I cannot forget that my brother committed suicide on my father's birthday and addressed his suicide note to my mother). So, I can't continue to make excuses for them (they violated their God-given duty to be good parents).
You have to make the hard decision to save your life and leave your family.
Maybe the Catholic pastor or priest can tell you of a safe place that you and your Catholic boyfriend can escape to and you can get a job as a cook, your boyfriend can work and you will be able to afford to get married IF that is how you still feel.
Someday, as long as you keep your whereabouts a secret (even from your siblings), you may have the opportunity to help your siblings escape also, but first you must become very successful with a job and be financially able to help them escape from your parents (but never let your whereabouts be known, always have caller Id blocked on your phone or have a
Cell Phone that is UNLISTED).
I'm going to give you ideas about some things that you will need to do in order to keep your whereabouts a secret.
Get a Post Office Box so that your address won't be listed.
Never let employers call your parents.
Never let a school, govenment agency (Department of Motor Vehicles, etc.) or hospital call your parents.
You might be able to change your name.
It might just be easier to move 3000 miles away, but still never reveal your whereabouts and never let them know your phone number, they will simply look it up and find your address.
It would be better to get advice from a SMART pastor or priest who MIGHT know more about these things.
I'm sorry you have to deal with such a situation. You are not being taught a lesson and have not done anything to deserve this (no one would ever deserve anything like this), life just has BAD SITUATIONS, but you have to deal with this well, not just for yourself, but also for your siblings).
God bless you and your siblings, Chocolateorange.